Tagged "concert review"

136 articles

4652 debussy
4772 zelda
5711 hilaryhahn
5744 london
5745 orchestra
6020 mitwe
6070 chvrches
6089 radioactive
6270 fantasies
6277 image not found
6298 yoyoma
6300 thile 1
6303 yujawang
6324 frankierose
6361 fratellis
6548 xambassadors
6614 rhyecon
6635 stvincent 2
6689 reykcall
6704 evgeny
6726 jupiter
6808 knife 2
6855 foster
6954 bcalling 1
7071 lux
7324 yoyoma
7326 icca2015
7706 orchestra
7719 mackave
7754 holter
7897 45 fredfest ycyu
7949 jazz100
7977 1706 imogen cooper credit sussie ahlburg
8009 collier
8060 534a5722 photo roberttorres
8086 1
8091 jacobcollier08
8256 ak mainpressphoto
8257 1
8296 gil shaham performed tchaikovsky's violin concerto with andris nelsons and the bso  10.6.17 %28hilary scott%29 2
8307 nshafiul alice
8315 quatuor mosaiques
8312 hilary hahn performed dvorak's violin concerto with conductor gustavo gimeno and the bso  10.12.17 %28robert torres%29
8320 argerich 534a0624 photo roberttorres
8450 kristine opolais with andris nelsons and the boston symphony 2.1.18 %28robert torres%29
8468 tao drum heart 04
8481 herbert blomstedt conducts an all mozart program at symphony hall 2.23.18 %28robert torres%293
8490 alan gilbert leads the bso and violinist leila josefowicz at symphony hall 3.1.18  2  %28robert torres%29
8589 nshafiul gretchen
8567  1070339 mikecrop
8722 dsc 0276 %282%29
8735 ivy li   %c2%a9michael j.lutch  october 08  2018 24238
8755 kevin ly   img 4817
8769 ivy li   2018.10.25 rise oompa dutchrebelle 52
8752 aron ricardo perez lopez   img 20181020 201830
8812 ivy li   wide xsml 1905 ok go
8824 nathan liang   handel hayden
8853 ivy li   andris nelsons led the bso in beethoven symphonies 4 and 5  11.23.18 %28robert torres%29 3
9039 moonchild 2   nathan liang
9037 dsc06371   nathan liang
9148 9.19.19 pianists arthur and lucas jussen with andris nelsons and the bso in the poulenc double piano concerto %28winslow townson%29
9147 gvan 1
9160 trump
9177 10.3.19 curtain call for the shostakovich piano concerto no. 1 with andris nelsons  bso principal trumpeter thomas rolfs  and pianist yuja wang %28hilary scott%29
9201 194a3600   victoria dzieciol
9292 beachfossils
9318 194a4612   victoria dzieciol
9324 194a5189   victoria dzieciol
9350 194a5238   victoria dzieciol
9370 194a5275   victoria dzieciol
9493 gotv   liane xu
9661 mitso f21 katelu
9678 windensemble
9693 soniaconcert
10336 bso peer gynt
10348 orchestre de paris
10622 20240807 211050
10755 berklee