Regaining confidence, one step at a time
No one else can help me become more confident except myself.
Ice and Fire
Dear Em*, are you my Halley’s Comet or my North Star?
Notes from a Hope(less/ful) Romantic
“For what it’s worth, I think the act of writing and creating from a dark place is just as cathartic and reconciliatory to one’s self and others as it can be devastating.” — Em
Amphibious Achievement: a dual athletic, academic mentorship program
Wang ’26: “Seeing the high schoolers try their best makes you feel inspired that you can be someone that can help others.”
Dealing with neighbors and crushes
Someone above (or beside?) me keeps making loud noises. Sounds like moving furniture. I gave the person I thought was above me chair pads but it hasn't changed anything.
writing in lowercase forces people to look for your voice. it means they’re listening to you, and this is all i want.
Dear Brother
I have been thinking about you a lot this past week, especially your younger self.
MIT Runs on Dunkin’
Donuts, dollars, and dismissals: The Student Center Dunkin’ encounters friction between management, ownership, and MIT.
Crushing on my friend’s ex
Auntie's Family addresses the perennial question of when budding romance clashes with existing friendships.
For Your Thoughts: American Healthcare
Each time I make a visit to a hospital, I am austerely reminded, no niceties spared, that our glorious nation’s top-of-the-line medical system is in complete and utter shambles.
On Freshman Fall: Fears and the Firehose
Auntie Matter provides advice to a freshman facing the fall firehose.
I Saw a Stranger on the Street Today
I long to be next to the strangers that could have been my entire world. But there’s a reason we’re strangers, now. A reason that when I look into their eyes, I don’t see anything but distance. A reason why our orbits drifted apart.
MIT’s Excellent Sheep
My thoughts about MIT are more complicated now – grateful for the amazing people and research-driven environment, but also slightly disappointed and jaded about this place.
things i’ve learned as an mit student
Now that my first year is officially over and i am a real person now (conservation of frosh or whatever), i feel like i am finally qualified to give children (aka frosh) advice and tell old people (aka non-’27s) about my experiences.
Revisiting il dolce far niente at Tanglewood
Besides the rich music I got to hear, what made Tanglewood special was that the concert going experience made me embrace il dolce far niente — the art of doing nothing.
The Matter Family is Back!
For those of you who are wondering where Auntie Matter went, she’s doing great. She graduated in 2019, dabbled a bit in 2023, but has been disappointed that none of you ever volunteered to pick up where she left off... Anyways, after scrolling through last semester’s MIT Confessions, she started to get worried.
Radio Silence
I could scream and yell and plead for help all I want, but I will never get a response. All I will be met with is radio silence.
(A Bit Of) Attention Is All You Need (To Give)
When giving someone space they might not need is the default option.