When a lumberjack turns into a doctor in rural France...
As a celebration of the 200th anniversary of Charles Gounod’s birth, the Odyssey Opera presents this opéra-comique while also preserving original text from Molière’s play. Sung in French paired with English subtitles, the opera features never-before heard recitatives by Erik Satie.
Various beautiful voices, still one community
As noted by Director Mobley, the purpose of the Every Voice series is to recognize and shed positive light on diversity within the community. This year, the focus is on the LGBTQIA+ community, the Latinx community, as well as veterans and victims of wars. The music for every community presents a kaleidoscope of styles that highlights the past and the present of each group.
MITSO’s first concert of the 2018–2019 school year!
Just getting cozy and enjoying the show was literally impossible — whenever the music slowed, rolling like gentle waves, a thundering uproar from the lower registers would jar you back to the moment. The dynamic range of the orchestra was frankly very impressive. Kresge seemed to vibrate, literally, with the energy on the stage.
Forget the turkey and pie — ‘The Oath’ will fill you up on laughs and reflection this Thanksgiving season
When the White House releases a loyalty oath and encourages Americans to sign it, the whole town becomes divided. Chris is a liberal who follows politics closely, and his family are no exception; they attempt to survive Thanksgiving despite the tension that permeates.
Ride isn’t just another sports-type BMX movie
When a troubled child, John, who grew up within the tight grasps of a white supremacist gang, finally escapes juvenile prison, he ends up being fostered by an interracial couple. As John attempts to navigate through his new life, he finds unlikely solace in riding bikes.