Jyotsna Nair ’25,
Ellie Montemayor ’26
Editor in Chief
Alex Tang ’26
Managing Editor
Kate Lu ’25
Executive Editor
Vivian Hir ’25
News Staff
News Editors:
Jayashabari Shankar ’27,
Tina Zhang ’27,
Russel Ismael VS;
Alex Tang ’26,
Julia Fortt ’26,
Josh Nix ’27,
Jessica He ’26.
Weather Staff
Chief Meteorologist:
Adrienne Lai ’25;
Phoebe Lin ’24,
Rine Pan ’24,
Yoland Gao ’25.
Opinion Staff
Opinion Editor:
Srinidhi Narayanan ’24.
Science Staff
Science Editor:
Karie Shen ’27;
Ved Ganesh ’27, Russel Ismael VS.
Production Staff
Ellie Montemayor ’26.
Arts Staff
Anahita Srinivasan ’25;
Cameron Davis G,
Vyshnavi Vennelakanti G,
Teddy Schoenfeld ’24,
Alexis Yi ’25,
Kelly Kim ’26.
Entertainment Staff
Ellie Montemayor ’26;
Manaal Mohammed ’26.
Photography Staff
Alexa Simao ’25,
Omar Orozco ’25;
Alex Laiman ’24,
Cady Boronkay ’24,
Kate Lu ’25,
Michelle Xiang ’26,
Alison Soong ’27,
Emmanuel Adetunji ’27.
Campus Life Staff
Alor Sahoo ’26.
Vivian Hir ’25,
Caroline Chea ’25,
Vi Trinh ’27,
Claire Wang ’27,
Susan Hong ’27,
Russel Ismael VS.
Copy Staff
Copy Chiefs:
Claire Mao ’26,
Geoffrey Enwere ’26;
Vivian Hir ’25,
Vi Trinh ’27.
Sports Staff
Sports Editor:
Hannah Friedman ’27.
Business Staff
Associate Business Manager:
Peter Pu ’26.
Technology Staff
Associate Technology Directors:
Li Xuan Tan ’26,
Colin Clark ’26.
Madeline Leaño ’26.
Advisory Board
Paul E. Schindler, Jr. ’74,
Barry S. Surman ’84,
Deborah A. Levinson ’91,
Saul Blumenthal ’98,
Daniel Ryan Bersak ’02,
Eric J. Cholankeril ’02,
Marissa Vogt ’06,
Austin Chu ’08,
Michael McGraw-Herdeg ’08,
Marie Y. Thibault ’08,
Angeline Wang ’09,
Jeff Guo ’11,
Anne Cai ’14,
Jessica L. Wass ’14,
Bruno Faviero ’15,
Kali Xu ’15,
Leon Lin ’16,
Kath Xu ’16,
Lenny Martinez Dominguez ’17,
Charlie J. Moore ’17,
William Navarre ’17,
Emma Bingham ’19,
Nafisa Syed ’19,
Áron Ricardo Perez-Lopez ’20,
Nathan Liang ’21,
Joanna Lin ’21,
B. D. Colen.
Editors at Large
Senior Editors:
Arun Wongprommoon ’23,
Phoebe Lin ’24.
The Tech (ISSN 0148-9607) is published on Thursdays during the academic year (except during MIT vacations) and monthly during the summer by The Tech, Room W20-483, 84 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02139. Postmaster: Please send all address changes to our mailing address: The Tech, P.O. Box 391529, Cambridge, Mass. 02139-7029. Telephone: Editorial: (617) 253-1541. Business: (617) 258-8324. Facsimile: (617) 258-8226. Advertising, subscription, and typesetting rates available. Entire contents © 2024 The Tech. Printed by Graphic Developments, Inc.
This masthead was last updated on April 23, 2024.