Dear Ex-Girlfriend
When I met you in the fall, you were just what I needed.
Music Listening
On my good days, it was punk. On my bad ones, it was goth. At my worst, it was Penelope Scott.
Voices, Voices
What more glorious purpose is there to behold than the all-consuming act of eternal war with oneself?
Radio Silence
I could scream and yell and plead for help all I want, but I will never get a response. All I will be met with is radio silence.
For Your Thoughts: American Healthcare
Each time I make a visit to a hospital, I am austerely reminded, no niceties spared, that our glorious nation’s top-of-the-line medical system is in complete and utter shambles.
I Saw a Stranger on the Street Today
I long to be next to the strangers that could have been my entire world. But there’s a reason we’re strangers, now. A reason that when I look into their eyes, I don’t see anything but distance. A reason why our orbits drifted apart.
Notes from a Hope(less/ful) Romantic
“For what it’s worth, I think the act of writing and creating from a dark place is just as cathartic and reconciliatory to one’s self and others as it can be devastating.” — Em
Ice and Fire
Dear Em*, are you my Halley’s Comet or my North Star?
Dear Ex-Girlfriend Redux
I can’t believe you actually did it.