A laundry list of decision-making advice
I was left choosing between an adventure of a lifetime or a guaranteed good time with my friends in a city I know and love.
Welcome to CP*, Class of 2025!
‘The Tech’ spoke with a few prefrosh about their prospective areas of study, what they look forward to at MIT, and what events stood out to them at CP*.
Love is —
I think about how I told my friend at lunch today, I don’t say I love you enough, but I’ll do better.
The balance between optimism and realism
If I’ve learned anything from my classes at MIT, it’s that nothing is objective.
Ardent salmon tales
The thing about the salmon is that all it cares about is finding its home.
Thing one, thing two, and...
When is the best time to fix my roof? When the sun is out, and I can muster up the courage to say that my life is worth something.
Cicadas used to live in my neighborhood
I remember that bad days fall like autumn leaves in magnificent waves of color as life learns to begin anew.
Trans bodies in politics
With the recent surge of politicians once again arguing over what to do with trans people’s lives, we thought it’d be a good idea to go back and address some of the misinformation that has constantly come up and still perpetuates popular opinion at some level. Gender identity politics involve a lot of nuance, but the way they are handled in mainstream media and the political arena continues to deal a lot of real psychological (and sometimes physical) harm to trans people.
The significance of a year
Scientifically speaking, in some sense, it’s a reminder that even though we’ve traveled one circumference around the sun, we’re back in the same place.
How a tiger bears its stripes
They didn’t say a thing, because nobody wanted to cause a scene. After all, is it not easier to ignore than to confront?
Is anything truly irreversible?
In chemistry, we learn that every reaction is reversible, as long as enough energy is supplied to push the reaction towards favorability.
A pearl of a project: Transforming the aquafarm of the future
From concept to controls to creation, students will work with researchers and instructors to deliver a vessel that has a meaningful impact on food sustainability in New England.
I just absolutely love knowing that after spending a week in quarantine essentially without seeing the light of day, I’ll get to spend even more time in it!!
The things I brought to MIT
I wasn’t going to make that mistake again. I was going to pack the clothes, and the books, and the journals, and the letters. And this time, it would work.
Trying to untangle my identities, but it’s impossible
“Your personal statement was very interesting and enjoyable to read, but it doesn’t present a clear argument why Joanna Lin would make a good doctor."
Wenbo Slips
A ball hits me? Ow. I hit the floor? Ow. The ball hits the floor? Ow. The ball, floor, and I are actually all part of a rocket blasting off in consensus with the rocket equations? Ow. Ow. Ow.
Life, the universe, and 12.400
In 135 B.C., a comet appeared in the twilit skies of Asia Minor, and in that unearthly light was born Mithridates the Great, future king of Pontus and one of Rome’s most successful opponents. A second celestial interloper adorned the skies as he took the throne in 119 B.C., and in 44 B.C., a third comet reigned over Italy, mere weeks after Julius Caesar’s death. According to legend, that is, and John T. Ramsey’s historical analysis.
My love: it aches
“Such a simple question, such a complicated request — please, know me.”