Tears, Tsukiyo, and Never Let Me Go
Physically, my mom is only a mile away from me, yet the phone call makes me think that she is much farther away from me.
Walking the Boston Marathon for cancer research
Little did I know at the time, this experience would be one of the most unique and memorable experiences of my entire life.
Well, FML for digging myself a hole that makes it nearly impossible to find a path towards a better life for myself.
Il dolce far niente: the art of doing nothing
Summer ended only a few months ago, yet that time feels so far away and foreign.
We're all just flesh and bones, but somehow, this particular body is not permitted to cross a border.
Being cynical about love
Sure, I see couples basking in the sun at the local park or drinking wine at a fancy restaurant, but while romantic love is a reality for them, it’s not for me.
Breathe in, breathe out
Never had I experienced true silence until I descended underwater.
Abundant resources exist but are underutilized
Sometimes we forget that we have the privilege of attending one of the best universities in the world.
Beaver mascot cupcakes
The beaver cupcakes have interesting flow properties, as frosting, chocolate, marshmallows, and cake are all “soft materials” with non-Newtonian deformation and complex constitutive models relating stress and strain.
The nonlinear degree path
As I walked around the career fair, trying to convince both the recruiters and myself that I wasn’t worthless, I didn’t feel like this was part of some grand narrative. I just felt ashamed.
When you aren’t, and then you are
Life changing, yet subtly, gently, pushing you toward the next big moment in your life.
Work-life balance
I never fully signed onto a full-time job at the Massachusetts Tool or Die Company (a nickname we used in the early ’70s). Sometimes, I went entire Sundays without doing any tooling, not even a problem set. Instead, I was fully invested in my student activities: The Tech and the MIT radio station (then WTBS, now WMBR).
Why I chose MIT
The more I read the blogs, the more I wanted to be a part of MIT.
Regressing instead of progressing?
If my situation sounded like burnout, what did that mean for my next three years at MIT?
Following the footsteps of the Class of 2026 this CPW
The Tech spoke with several prefrosh about their prospective areas of study, their first day of CPW, and the number of steps they’ve taken across campus so far.
Gonna go fast like a Linoone
“Thank you,” I said as I shut the car door and left as quickly as it was socially acceptable.
Falling apart
Only a few weeks ago, I felt so completely empty, like my center had been scooped out of me. What remained was a scorched shell of pure apathy.
Dear friend,
I know your insecurities, secrets, and aspirations, but can I really know you well despite having no day-to-day interactions with you?