Two weeks ago, I failed a math midterm. Relatively speaking, I guess. I just... ran out of time.
A good day,
The kids stole my bed, and I looked outside at orange leaves, and the air seeping through my window felt brisk instead of cold, and I knew my breath would be visible as I lived.
I’ve been wanting to walk up to MIT, shake her hand, and say “Hi. I’m Paige. I don’t think we’ve met.”
Advice for a first-year college student redux
Part of the problem is that the symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of many other mental maladies peculiar to the first year. Homesickness presents much the same way: a feeling of disorientation, of “something is missing”.
Here’s a sign
We often get into the mindset that if we can theoretically handle a certain academic load, then we should. After all, that is what got us through most of school before college.
Doing something
In the moment, and even now on occasion, I told myself that nothing felt enjoyable during COVID.
‘Although I only hear sounds, the rich dialogue and background noise make this other world feel real’
A new adventure begins every time I play This American Life, a popular radio program.
The day after
Do I deserve the happiness that I have? I don’t know, but I want to.
I think we often take the convenience of the internet for granted. There is nothing convenient about sprinting from Building 2 to Building 56 in 10 minutes.
What is culture (at MIT)?
Each dorm is fiercely proud of its culture, down to each individual hall, wing, floor, or house.
Bikes and bridges
While I can try my best to be “perfect,” it’s fundamentally impossible to achieve.
Advice for a first-year college student
“Do you know what they call the person who came in last in their class in medical school? Doctor.”
Graduation is not the end
Yes, this is a love letter to The Tech and every staff member on it, because what else would it be?
The story is not over
I’m comfortable with the word “queer,” but people still don’t get it. This secret is trapped. It has been for years.
Being human is strange
We may find ourselves at our most timid, but we can find ourselves at our most brave. We may struggle to find our place but in it find humor, love, and grace. And most importantly of all, we can dare to dream, fly, and fall.
Dear Muslim MIT
I was asked recently what Ramadan means to me, and honestly it means family. Right now, all I feel is the void of me not being with them.
A laundry list of decision-making advice
I was left choosing between an adventure of a lifetime or a guaranteed good time with my friends in a city I know and love.
Welcome to CP*, Class of 2025!
‘The Tech’ spoke with a few prefrosh about their prospective areas of study, what they look forward to at MIT, and what events stood out to them at CP*.