Wandering Around Tianmu Aimlessly
Why was I so emotional about a place I’d only lived in for two years?
Times Have Changed
Maybe the passage of time is what’s forcing me to consider that times have changed.
French House, New House, All the Houses
All I can say is that my sadness comes from the fact that things have been lost over time and have not come back.
The Necessity of Journaling
Small problems get brushed to the side and then build up over time, random ideas get forgotten, and things don’t get documented.
If I Was An Onion
…while our flavors never directly clashed, we weren't exactly a palatable harmony.
The Power of the Brush
Calligraphy felt like some form of meditation
HRS is Failing Undergrads
Housing & Residential Services (HRS) is not guaranteeing housing to students returning from leave, including life-saving medical leave
A Song’s Lasting Impressions
It’s only the beginning of the music video, yet intuition tells me that this song will make me cry.
The Power of Em Dashes
Yes, em dashes, en dashes, and hyphens aren’t the same.
The Growth Mindset
My fixed mindset was holding me back, not moving me forward.
Tears, Tsukiyo, and Never Let Me Go
Physically, my mom is only a mile away from me, yet the phone call makes me think that she is much farther away from me.
Walking the Boston Marathon for cancer research
Little did I know at the time, this experience would be one of the most unique and memorable experiences of my entire life.
Well, FML for digging myself a hole that makes it nearly impossible to find a path towards a better life for myself.
Il dolce far niente: the art of doing nothing
Summer ended only a few months ago, yet that time feels so far away and foreign.
We're all just flesh and bones, but somehow, this particular body is not permitted to cross a border.
Being cynical about love
Sure, I see couples basking in the sun at the local park or drinking wine at a fancy restaurant, but while romantic love is a reality for them, it’s not for me.
Breathe in, breathe out
Never had I experienced true silence until I descended underwater.