One Moment in Time
Someone once said that a movie endowed with five unforgettable scenes is a classic. As the most anticipated event of 2008, the Beijing Olympic Games captivated the world with many moving and magical moments. Each second was a motion picture packed with life and passion. Thus, I had a hard time figuring out where to start after my friends asked me to write an article about this monumental event.
Is This a ‘Daddy’ election?
Two months ago, it looked like the McCain camp was in shambles. The Arizona senator was struggling to read from a teleprompter, giving speeches in front of garish green backdrops, and standing behind podiums that made him look small and awkward. His campaign organization was muddled, full of deadweight managers who lacked the skills to play in the big leagues, but whom the senator didn’t have the heart to fire. And instead of moving to the center, as most candidates do in the general election, McCain, if anything, was moving to the right. In national polls he was only behind by four points, but with the enthusiasm gap, the fundraising numbers, and the dismal condition of the Republican brand, pundits were confident that John McCain was well on his way to a crushing defeat in November.
Welcome to MIT
Orientation is a wonderful and exhilarating time to be on campus. Representatives from the many diverse segments of the MIT community — from living groups to student activities, athletics teams and learning communities — are part of the process of showcasing this amazing place to the incoming class. Since this is my sixth year on campus participating in orientation, I can tell you that no year’s events are ever quite the same — there are always new things to discover. In fact, there seem to be so many sessions, events, demonstrations and parties that it can sometimes seem completely overwhelming.
Sustainable Transportation Should Be a Priority
The administration made a wise move last week in deciding to take proactive steps to more explicitly encourage the use of public transportation by campus commuters. The recent change included an expansion of the commuter rail pass subsidy to 50 percent for all zones and the decision to provide free transit passes for the month of September to employees who currently park on campus. By making it easier for MIT faculty and staff to utilize the Boston metropolitan area’s comprehensive transit system, the administration’s efforts can go a long way towards decreasing the impact of rising fuel costs on our community and reducing our collective carbon footprint.
The June 13, 2008 article about a graduate student facing charges for breaking and entering gave misleading information about the prison term he may face. Though a sentence of up to 20 years in state prison is allowed under Massachusetts General Law, the Massachusetts Sentencing Guidelines make it difficult to impose more than a one year sentence for a first-time offender.
Exploration Doesn’t Merit Incarceration
MIT has not yet issued a summons charging as felons two graduate students who were found in NW16 on the night of Saturday, June 7.
Letters to the Editor
As one of the steering committee members of the Israel@60 week at MIT, I was perplexed and bothered by the placement of a blatantly anti-Israel ad in the Tuesday, May 13 edition of <i>The Tech</i>. The events we coordinated were designed to celebrate Israeli culture and the contributions of Israeli society with a general good will toward sections of the student demographic that may share divergent attitudes toward Israel. The week was explicitly non-political, non-propagandistic, and strictly NOT anti-Palestinian/Arab.
The Graduate Student Council: A Year Ahead
It is well-known that MIT is unique in its path-shaping commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and in the translation of cutting-edge research into the practical realm. Less well-known is that MIT is unique, compared to other major universities, in having graduate students make up a significant majority of our 10,000-strong student body.
Because of an editing error, the article “Head of Mechanical Engineering Dept. Will Leave His Post in July” (Friday, May 9) implied that outgoing department chair Rohan Abeyaratne said he wanted to hire more energy researchers working on “micro and nanotechnology.” While he said the lab should continue to increase its energy research, he has actually already hired “micro and nanotechnology” faculty experts during his tenure as department chair; he did not say that the department should hire more.
Knowing When to Ask for Help
I’m not depressed. I don’t have suicidal thoughts, and in no way do I view killing myself as an answer to anything. But for the past school year, I’ve been seeing a psychiatrist at MIT Medical. Why? Well, because sometimes, there’s just no one else to talk to.
Stop Spying on Freshmen
The Inter-Fraternity Council recruitment rules this year include mandatory use of the Clearinghouse system.
Cheat Sleep!
Sleep deprivation is one of the oldest forms of torture. A good night’s sleep is one of life’s best cheap thrills.
Affordable Dental Care for Graduate Students
Most MIT graduate students lack dental insurance and defer dental care as a result. At present, to obtain dental care, graduate students must either pay for services in full, have insurance under their own prepaid plans from private insurers, or have coverage under their parents’ or spouse’s plans.
Improving Nutrition at MIT
There is no way around fueling your body if your hope is to have success, energy, and health. Many MIT students lack the basic nutritional balance needed to perform at their highest cognitive and/or physical potential.
Letters to the Editor
Given the endless attention in the past few issues to China’s human rights abuses as the summer Olympics in Beijing approach, I thought this photograph ( found in a German archive could spark further discussion about possible parallels between China today and Nazi Germany.
Creating an Open Dialogue Between Students and Medical
As the clinical director for campus life at MIT Medical, I’ve been fortunate to partner with dedicated and passionate students to advance many health-related projects in the last six years. During that time, my colleagues at MIT Medical and I have given considerable thought to approaches to support the health of individual students, but also the entire campus community. As a means of advancing this dialogue, I’d like to share our philosophy with you and discuss some areas where we can continue to improve.
Woes of Urgent Care
Students enrolled at MIT are guaranteed free access to help at Urgent Care, regardless of whether they use the MIT Student Extended Insurance Plan or an outside provider. Sounds great, right? Free round-the-clock coverage for problems such as strep throat or headache, conveniently located right on campus.