Letters to the Editor
The whitewashing of the cast of the movie “21,” based on Ben Mezrich’s best-seller <i>Bringing Down the House</i> is indeed wrong, and almost enough to get me from seeing it. However, unfortunately I got convinced by some friends into spending $8 to go and see it, only to realize that, much worse than the way the whitewashing treats Asians is the picture in which MIT is painted.
A page 11 table in the April 1, 2008 issue of <i>The Tech</i> omitted one of the candidates for 2010 Class Council. Barry D. Bannon ’10 is running for Class of 2010 Vice President.
Letters to the Editor
The Recording Industry Association of America continues to send “pre-litigation settlement letters” to college students throughout our country.
Today I Wish I Were a Harvard Man
Last night Dean for Student Life Larry G. Benedict sent the MIT community a letter warning about the dangers of copyright infringement. As I read through this and past letters to campus, I came to realize something extraordinary. You’ll have to take my word on how insane it feels to write these words, but today I wish I were a Harvard man. Why? Simply put, because unlike our own Institute, Harvard treats its students with respect.
Green Hall: No Longer Home for Female Graduate Students
The residents of Green Hall were recently informed that Green Hall, opened in 1983 in honor of Ida Flansburgh Green, a major MIT benefactor and advocate of graduate studies for women, would no longer function as a graduate women’s dormitory. As a resident and transition coordinator of Green Hall, I would like to share the perspectives from Green Hall residents on how the MIT administration has handled this matter.
‘21’ Discriminatory Casting Unjustified
Several years ago, when I first heard that the best-selling book <i>Bringing Down the House</i> would be made into a Hollywood movie, I was beyond excited. However, now that ‘21’ is out, no matter how much I try to rationalize the casting decisions behind this film, I remain outraged as an American. I will attempt to explain why Hollywood’s discriminatory casting process behind this film is offensive, why over 600 members on a Facebook group have called for its boycott, and why several prominent newspapers and blogs have criticized this movie, with one writer even calling it “moving Asian Americans to the back of the bus.”
Letters to the Editor
The pro-independence protests that Tibetans around the world kicked off this past week should be allowed to continue in a peaceful manner. Timed to coincide with the 49th anniversary of the Dalai Lama’s escape from Lhasa, Tibet to Dharmasala, India, these protests stand for an impressively sustained defiance against the Chinese political machine. It is most disappointing that neighboring India has decided to detain protesters for no apparent reason. It demonstrates India’s willingness to bow to China’s political wishes for the sake of maintaining relations. While this may be the correct diplomatic move, no individual who cares for the well-being of other human beings should be able to genuinely accept it. It is a heinous crime. The monks have the right to non-violent protest and let them exercise it, be it in Lhasa, New Delhi, Kathmandu, or Washington, D.C. If human rights are sacrificed so easily now, what will happen in the future when the economic clout of certain countries grows? As the Olympics approach, let us all remember we are human beings and not let others be treated so trivially in the name of superficial purpose.
Letters to the Editor
<i>This letter is in response to </i>The Tech’<i>s March 4 article on the death of Robert M. Wells ’08:</i>
The March 4, 2008 article on the birthday of Random Hall incorrectly referred to the death of Elizabeth H. Shin ’02 as occurring six years ago. Shin died in 2000, eight years ago.
Support Graduate Pass/D/Fail
The MIT Mission states: “The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bring this knowledge to bear on the world’s great challenges.” Many of the challenges facing the world today, ranging from curing diseases to tackling energy issues, from harnessing information technology to understanding brain and mind, require solutions that span multiple disciplines. As a result, scientists and engineers increasingly face the need to be versatile in their knowledge, and also the need to work with colleagues from different backgrounds.
Letters to the Editor
<i>This letter is in response to Kevin Wang’s March 4, 2008 column, “Not Even Fit For a Last Meal”:</i>
The Feb. 26, 2008 captions for the Bexxxley Roxxx Some More concert incorrectly identified a band as The Peaches. The band is actually called The Pears.
Financial Aid Leaves Out Middle Class
The article about the Senate requesting MIT’s information on endowment and tuition on Friday, Feb 22, makes things sound reasonable enough, but it’s glossing over some of the ugly facts underlying MIT’s financial aid policies.
Letters to the Editor
If I were to say that the NFL’s governing body is smarter than the administrations of our nation’s wealthiest universities, would you believe me? People may look in wonder at the nature of the statement, asking themselves “How could a handful of individuals in the sports business outwit those that are responsible for educating our nation’s brightest students?” The answer is simple: they understand that their own success depends on the success of the group.
The Necessity of Hope
On Tuesday, Wisconsin handed Barack Obama his ninth consecutive victory in the race for the Democratic nomination. In state after state, Obama’s speeches have drawn together thousands of people from all backgrounds to stand up and shout “Yes we can.” But, as Obama-mania fades in the coming months, the focus will turn to where each candidate stands on the issues. Political pundits have repeatedly argued that although Obama is inspirational, he doesn’t address the “meat-and-potatoes problems.” David Brooks of the New York Times calls Obama’s message of hope “vaporous.” So what are his policies? This question is being echoed more loudly with Obama’s increasing success in the primaries. While I agree that Obama should provide a more concrete outline of the policies he wants to enact and how, it is my opinion that his message of hope represents a world-view that will have a real impact on questions of policy.
Letters to the Editor
Historically, MIT’s role in promoting science policy is unparalleled. Vannevar Bush EGD ’16 had a key role in the massive mobilization of the science community during World War II. But even in peacetime, he lobbied for the creation of the National Science Foundation. MIT Presidents Karl T. Compton and James R. Killian Jr. ’26 also helped shape U.S. science policy in this era.
The Feb. 12, 2008 article “Green Hall Residents Will Leave In Fall and Thetas Will Move In” incorrectly stated that fewer beds will be available to undergraduates in fall 2008 after Senior Segue ends. In fact, the same number of beds will be available. Though 103 fewer beds in graduate dormitories will be offered to undergraduates, Green Hall will provide housing for 46 Kappa Alpha Theta members, and 57 spaces have been reserved in new graduate dormitory NW35 for students who will eventually occupy W1 when it becomes an undergraduate residence.
Student Living Demands Student Input
As we students enjoy a passing resemblance to having lives and would be delighted to contribute meaningfully to MIT’s decisions regarding how students live — that is to say, regarding housing — we are continually dismayed at how little attention the administration pays to student input. But are we surprised? A reading of <i>The Tech</i>’s archives suggests that even “ten-yeared” students should be anything but.
<i>The Tech</i>’s Feb. 8 feature about the 2008 BattleCode contest incorrectly noted that the “Best Team Name” award was given by BAE Systems. It was actually awarded by the BattleCode directors.
Letters to the Editor
Your February 5, 2008 Year in Review issue contained glaring errors in the section about the death of Daniel Barclay ’07, in sharp contrast to your newspaper’s usually-high standard for reporting.