INTERVIEW Matthew Fazzi Tells All
Taking Back Sunday guitarist and backup vocalist Matthew Fazzi took a minute to talk to <i>The Tech</i> about joining the band and the current tour.
INTERVIEW Expanding on Minimalism
The Boston Choral Ensemble prepares for its 2009–2010 season featuring Thomas Jennefelt’s <i>Villarosa Sequences</i> on Friday, November 20 at First Church in Cambridge and Sunday, November 22 at Old South Church in Boston. <i>The Tech</i> interviewed conductor Miguel Felipe about the upcoming program. More information about this performance and the Boston Choral Ensemble can be found at <i></i>
MOVIE REVIEW Daring Director Explores the Perception of God
What is God? The question begs an answer for which generations of human beings have waged war against one another to prove themselves correct. And yet, the answer is still out there, waiting for the reconciliation between beliefs before making a universal debut.
INTERVIEW ‘Oh My God!’ Director Talks with ‘The Tech’
Peter Rodger is an award-winning British director whose unique photo-imagery craftsmanship makes him one of the most sought-after artists in the British and American advertisement industry. <i>Oh My God!</i> is the three year, life-changing non-fiction film that explored peoples’ perspectives about God which debuted on November 13.
CONCERT REVIEW Hi-fi, Lo-fi, Faux-fi
The sold out Paradise Rock Club filled up early in preparation for Tuesday night’s Concert. The youngish crowd, a veritable hipster-bingo board of plaid, alt-girl headbands, and greasy faux-hawks, could probably have contributed enough optical strength with their combined square-rimmed glasses to focus the death star. Similarly hip, the Brooklyn-based Dirty Projectors took the stage to crowd calls of “let’s get dirty!” and vigorously belted out their unique, soaring rock music.
CONCERT REVIEW Opening to ‘The Complete Symphonies’ Garners Applause
Conductor Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos led the Boston Symphony Orchestra to a fabulous performance in a sold-out program featuring Beethoven’s Symphony Nos. 1, 2 and 5.
THEATER REVIEW Side Show Puts Singers On Display
The MIT Musical Theater Guild opened their <i>Side Show</i> (book and lyrics by Bill Russell, music by Henry Krieger) last weekend, and in keeping with a long-standing sideshow tradition, offered an experience that was different and unforgettable. Of course, the metaphor collapses when you realize that, contrary to being the stuff of nightmares, MTG’s <i>Side Show</i> is not only enjoyable but is one of those rare musicals that elicits drama without resorting to character death (not that there’s anything wrong with that, Mr. Whedon) or <i>deux ex machina</i>.
CONCERT REVIEW Lorin Maazel Leads a Worthy Finale
In the final concert of the Boston Symphony Orchestra’s <i>The Complete Symphonies</i> series, celebrated conductor Lorin Maazel led the orchestra to a remarkable performance of Beethoven’s Eighth and Ninth Symphonies. Maestro Maazel, former Music Director of the New York Philharmonic, conducted the orchestra in the last two episodes of the series in place of Maestro Levine.
The BSO CollegeCard
The Boston Symphony Orchestra regularly makes available concerts to MIT students free of charge under the CollegeCard program which is also subsidized by the MIT Office of Arts. More details are available at <i></i>
MOVIE REVIEW ‘(UNTITLED)’ Is a Pleasant Cacophony
U<i>NTITLED), </i>a new contemporary film by Jonathan Parker, daringly satirizes the sensitive subject of art in modern society. The film, starting from its very title, is odd. It’s evocative like a documentary, humorous like a comedy film, but altogether captivating like a piece of art. Here’s why.
When in Rome Exclusive Screening at MIT
Touchstone pictures will be at MIT next Thursday, November 19 to present an exclusive screening of <i>When In Rome</i>. A romantic comedy slated for release next January, the film features Kristin Bell on a one-of-a-kind journey to Rome. Luck leads to love, but Bell’s character is faced with the pursuits of a handful of zealous suitors. How will she pick <i>the one</i>? The screening will be in 26-100 at 8 p.m. Exclusive passes can be downloaded at <i>www.</i><i>wheninromescreenings.</i><i>com</i>.
CONCERT REVIEW I Am a Rock. I Am An… Islands
Looking a little like I’d imagine a Jedi-Elvis impersonator might, Nick Thorburn, (a.k.a. Nick T, formerly Nick Diamonds) lead singer of Islands and vanguard of the Montreal music scene, took the stage, and, with an aloofness characteristic of his interviews and performances, enchanted Wednesday’s audience.
CONCERT REVIEW Two Laptops and a Microphone
Gregg Gillis can sure play the fuck out of a laptop.”
CONCERT REVIEW Nuanced Renaissance
I’m biased, of course: Despite being part of the Western canon, the music of the Renaissance somehow remains consistently foreign. It’s all there, the underpinnings that still guide sophisticated music even today — ideas on meter, or rhythm, rules guiding the structure of melodic lines, conceptions of how voices should interact with one another all exist in this fifteenth-century world, but somehow, to hear it is mysterious. Whereas concepts of thematic development, tonal resolution or structure seem to be at the center of the majority of works of the Western canon, the engine at the center of music from the Renaissance is somehow more elusive.
INTERVIEW From Past to Present
Boston choral ensemble Cantata Singers is preparing for its 2009–2010 season featuring works by Heinrich Schuetz, J.S. Bach, Hugo Distler and Arnold Schoenberg opening on Friday, November 6 at Jordan Hall. <i>The Tech</i> interviewed conductor David Hoose about the upcoming program and season. More information about this performance and the Cantata Singers Ensemble can be found at <i></i>
Forcing me to squirm and yelp and half-cover my eyes in incredulity, the STREB company dancers returned to Boston with a bang last weekend. Considered neither modern nor contemporary dance, but more along the lines of circus, extreme sports, and Hollywood stunt-work, STREB dancers wowed me with their petrifying feats of body contortion and athleticism.
BOOK REVIEW Untangling the Traditions That Begot Early Christianity
One would be hard pressed to find something that has influenced Western civilization more than Christianity. Even in the age of Britney and Facebook, the figure of Christ — cornerstone to the faith — is considered divine by a significant fraction of mankind. Debates stirred by discussion about the historical Jesus make headlines periodically, be they triggered by the serious study of artifacts like the shroud of Turin and the James Ossuary, or by storytelling from the likes of Martin Scorsese and Dan Brown.
MOVIE REVIEW ‘Monsterpiece’ or Just Monstrous?
From a mere ten sentences, Spike Jonze has managed to create a full-length feature film in his newest release, <i>Where the Wild Things Are</i>. The movie is an adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s classic children’s picture book and delves into the realms of childhood and love at its truest and simplest form.