How America’s approach to the North Korea conflict is broken, and what’s been missing
The U.S. needs to take a stronger approach if it wants to contain the threat posed by North Korea to the rest of the world.
Words of power, words of courage
Wherever we are, wherever those in our lives are, or wherever those in the public sphere are with the retelling of their unspeakable truths, let us hold those stories with dignity and honor.
What’s in a name?
Columbus Day celebrates a problematic individual who displaced and enslaved large populations of indigenous people. The holiday should instead honor those people who were hurt by colonization.
How was your (hot) summer?
You may be understandably cynical about the prospects for real action [on climate change], but remember, we’ve logged some recent massive successes on other fronts. We pulled 1 billion people out of extreme poverty. We’ve gone a long way toward healing the ozone hole. We essentially shut down acid rain, and more. We can solve climate change.
Fighting for safer biking and better transit in Cambridge
The city of Cambridge has just released a plan to improve conditions along Mass Ave for bikers, pedestrians, and buses. However, further changes are still necessary to support biking safety and public transportation.
Voting in the Democratic Primary? The MIT Dems endorse these candidates
Big political issues, such as housing affordability, public transportation, and climate change, affect everybody, whether you’re an MIT student or a local Cambridge resident. In this piece, the MIT Democrats outline which Massachusetts primary candidates they think will do the best job in promoting the public’s interests.
The importance of MIT’s telemedicine and telehealth class
MIT's "Telemedicine and Telehealth for Enhancing Global Health" class teaches students valuable information about healthcare accessibility — and it's at risk of not being offered again.
Understanding the Palestinian struggle is not difficult
"Dialogue" is not what is needed in the Palestinian struggle.
Wingless Cupids
Hook-up culture has done a disservice to college students by undermining our ability to experience romantic love fully.
Talking about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
The wall that stood outside the Student Center on the week of April 22, 2018 lacked nuance in its presentation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It omitted many important facts.
Response to undergraduate course, MIT and Slavery: how should we acknowledge our history?
MIT, like many other universities, has a complex historical relationship with slavery — it is necessary for the community to investigate this relationship.
Response to the MIT 401(k) lawsuit: the forest, the trees, and MIT’s employees
The recent lawsuit over MIT's Supplemental 401(k) Plan has little merit, as the plan is entirely optional and MIT already offers its employees generous benefits.
Pass/No Record falls short
P/NR engenders bad habits for freshmen and a mindset that is damaging in the long run. It's more than just grades: P/NR is a culture. But there is a solution.
President Reif responds to editorial on MIT’s moralizing
“Your editorial of April 5th points to serious, difficult questions we must ask when developing relationships with outside parties, including what qualifies or disqualifies a potential collaborator, and how we can gauge whether our choices serve the long-term best interests of MIT.”
Where is the humor in hunger?
The 2018 Class Council should not have joked about food insecurity.
The hypocrisy in MIT’s moralizing
The MIT administration has reliably commented on political matters when it is easy to do so, but it has strategically chosen to remain silent on matters of injustice for which it shares culpability.
Advice on the GRE for MIT students
MIT students, don't try to wing the GRE.
Addressing falsities in ‘A Not-So-Merry Christmas in Jerusalem’
The Jan. 11 opinion piece in The Tech titled “A Not-So-Merry Christmas in Jerusalem” was littered with factual inaccuracies.
Street maneuvers
Biking is a relatively dangerous mode of transportation in Cambridge — learn about some potential ways to make it safer.
Year-end bonuses
On the absurd myopia of companies paying out bonuses to their employees as a result of the tax bill