What’s wrong with accepting dirty money?
If MIT props up groups that actively work against us, our own donors will continue to thwart our dream of a better world. It’s not accepting dirty money that’s bad; it’s that we change our behavior when we cash the check.
Who deserves to be a philanthropist?
A more effective donor would be willing to change their job, investments, and lifestyle to better align with the initiatives that they support.
Issues with MIT’s sexual harassment initiative
Without transparent and open applications for joining the working groups, and without the full release of working group recommendations, each of us is less able to evaluate and define the best actions we should take to improve the MIT community.
Do postdocs at MIT face sexual harassment?
To ensure MIT's efforts are effective at preventing gender-based violence on postdocs, we need to both regularly assess the experiences of postdocs through surveys and publicly disclose the prevalence of reported incidents and the outcomes of investigations, both of which MIT already does for students.
Everyday lies incentivized by funding sources
Research money impacts what any university works on, and MIT is no exception. Sometimes MIT spends a lot of money focusing on low-impact problems because of who holds the purse strings.
Ethical change requires more than a billion dollars
What the MIT administration, faculty, and students can do to address the ethical concerns of the College of Computing.
College of Computing working groups are missing experts on ethics
It disturbs me that the strong language of announcements about the College of Computing, like “the need for bold action, at scale and with speed,” appears to contradict what I hear from graduate students in EECS whose department and/or advisors assure them nothing will change.
Reflecting on MIT’s third annual Title IX report
Taking a look at MIT's latest released Title IX Annual Report in relation to past reports and those of peer institutions.
Grad students suffer from lagging support
While many support networks exist for undergraduates at MIT, resources for grad students are lagging and lacking.
City of Cambridge redesigns Massachusetts Avenue lanes
The City of Cambridge held a town hall in 32-155 last Thursday to discuss the new plans to redesign the lanes of Massachusetts Avenue from Sidney Street to Memorial Drive.
Speaking her truth in grad school
Truth Values peeks into the life of Gioia, an MIT Ph.D. candidate in logic, from the moment she gets accepted till she leaves MIT with a master’s. Based in the author's own experiences at MIT, this autobiographical one-woman show portrays the rawness of MIT grad school as I've never seen in theaters before.
Graduate housing report doubles 2014 housing shortage estimate
As of now, MIT has committed to 950 new beds for graduate students across campus, with 250 to be available in 2020, according to a letter sent to all graduate students in October 2017 after the working group's interim report was published.
Novartis park by MIT open during weekend
The park provides a convenient route between several student living groups and the east side of campus.
Graduate stipend recommendation to increase by 3 percent
In response to rising living costs, the Office of the Vice Chancellor announced a 3 percent increase in graduate student stipends for 2018–2019.
Scientists fight patriarchy by discovering astronomical theories
The universal struggles portrayed through these women reflect of how much has changed, and what issues persist, in our human endeavor to understand the universe.
Museum discusses ethics of big data
Big Bang Data panelist: the biggest issue in data justice is the need to prioritize the perspectives of those most marginalized throughout the decision-making process.
Graduate students open The February School, a creative event space
The events span the interests of the organizers: creating meaning through reading, filming still objects, practicing JavaScript injection, watching Nollywood films, and gardening.
Institute centralizes bias reporting for students
During its first semester, T9BR received around ten reports of non-gender-based bias.
Harvard Divinity Professor encourages moral growth in MIT address
West criticized MIT, stating that MIT is “in denial of the catastrophic” and instead focuses on smaller problems.
MIT precincts see significant voter increase in 2017 local elections
The Cambridge precincts with the largest increases in voter turnout were the two that encompass most of MIT’s residence halls, according to MITVote2017 chair Davi da Silva.
Committee reviews progress on climate action at MIT
Two years after its initial publication, a committee reviews the successes and challenges in implementing MIT's Climate Action Plan.
U.S. senator on ‘science denialism’ in the face of climate change
When discussing climate change, a Republican colleague made sure even his staff was not present when expressing his real opinion for fear of being reported, Whitehouse says.
GWAMIT organizes discussion of sexual harassment in wake of celebrity accusations
Representatives from five administrative offices convened Nov. 3 to discuss sexual harassment at an event put on by Graduate Women at MIT, an organization which advocates for female graduate students.