New House construction schedule accelerated by one year
New House renovations are expected to be complete in time for full occupancy for fall 2018, according Jennifer Hapgood-White, associate director of housing assignments, in an email sent to New House residents and residence hall house teams Jan. 5.
Colder temperatures and clear skies this weekend
Southwesterly flow will advect unseasonably warm air toward New England on Wednesday and Thursday. A low pressure system will pass to the west of Massachusetts on Thursday, and even though most of its associated precipitation will fall inland, there is a high chance of rain on Thursday morning and early afternoon. The winds will be strong at around 15 mph.
Nazi quote in Baker under investigation by MIT Police
MIT Campus Police and the Title IX Office are investigating an incident in which a phrase invoking the Holocaust was found written on a whiteboard in Baker House.
Facebook struggles to put out online fires in Israeli-Palestinian conflict
JERUSALEM — When fires raged across Israel last month, Anas Abudaabes began to type on his laptop. What came out would land him behind bars and ignite a debate over whether he had tried to fan the flames of hatred, in this case literally.
Tim Cook, Apple CEO, to be 2017 commencement speaker
Timothy D. Cook, chief executive officer of Apple, Inc., will be the commencement speaker for the Class of 2017.
In case of DACA repeal, MIT will fight for undocumented students
Undocumented students would be able to continue their studies at MIT even if DACA were repealed, Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart PhD ’88 said at a UA Council meeting on Nov. 30.
Winners of Hult Prize qualifiers present prototype of ‘evaporative toilets’ for refugee camps
Update: The article was updated Dec. 8 to correct the name of the winning team, change:WATER Labs.
Cambridge fire forces 7 MIT affiliates out of their homes
A massive fire engulfed a large swath of an East Cambridge residential area Saturday, Dec. 3. The fire damaged 16 buildings around Berkshire St. and displaced over 125 residents, a number of MIT students among them.
Subject evaluations, winter break shuttle, finals, happy holidays
The deadline to submit end-of-term subject evaluations is Friday, Dec. 16 at 12 p.m.
Wintry cold looms for weekend
An Arctic air mass will plunge into the northeastern United States this weekend, causing temperatures to plummet significantly below normal. The cold air will begin to make its way into our region tonight, as a stiff northwesterly breeze develops on the backside of a low pressure system currently passing eastward through Quebec. Cold air advection will continue through the day tomorrow, with the wintry wind transporting frigid Canadian air directly toward the Institute. By Saturday, the cold air mass will be firmly in place, causing both high and low temperatures to be around 15 degrees Fahrenheit lower than normal for this time of year.
Over 300 faculty sign statement opposing Trump’s cabinet picks
More than 340 MIT faculty members, as of yesterday afternoon, have signed a statement opposing President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet appointments and reaffirming their dedication to “principles at the core of MIT’s mission.”
Senior Gift boycott gains ground, sparks debate
Update: This article was updated on Dec. 6 to include an additional statement by Chancellor Cindy Barnhart.
IAP registration, Toys for Tickets, food trucks
Pre-registration for IAP and spring 2017 opens today on WebSIS.
UA to sponsor annual holiday tree-lighting event
The Undergraduate Association Events Committee will host the Tech Twinkles ceremony in the lobby of Kresge Auditorium today, kicking off the holiday-themed lighting of trees and living spaces around the MIT campus.
IAP Intro to Python replaced with new course
One of IAP’s most popular courses, 6.149: Introduction to Programming Using Python, will not be offered this January. It will be replaced by a new course, 6.S080: A Brief Introduction to Programming in Python.
Departing low will give way to mostly clear skies
Cool air and clear skies will follow behind the departing front that brought widespread rainfall to Boston last night. Today, cloudy skies will stick around before being pushed out by drier air this evening. The weather remains amicable this weekend, with clear skies and highs in the mid 40s°F.
With new CAP procedures, more students return to MIT
The percentage of students who successfully applied to return to MIT after having been on leave increased to 98 percent this fall, from a historical average of roughly 70 percent.
Drop date, Port Landing, philosophy panel
The Student Center (W20) will be closed Wednesday 10 p.m. through Saturday 7 p.m. for the Thanksgiving holiday.
“Solidarity Rally” calls for MIT community to reaffirm values and support vulnerable populations
Around 300 students gathered Nov. 21 on Killian Court for a rally to demonstrate solidarity with MIT’s values and with marginalized groups on campus.
Climate justice, student activism discussed at climate change forum
More than 250 members of the MIT community filled Morss Hall Thursday to attend Climate Change: Ethics in Action, a forum on ethical responsibility in the context of climate change.