Lobby Seven’s Empty Plinths To be Replaced Via Competition
Unnoticed to thousands of students, faculty, and tourists passing through Lobby 7 every day, MIT’s iconic William Bosworth-designed entrance has sat unfinished since its construction in 1939. Now, the Class of 1954 is preparing a student design contest to fill the four bare pedestals in the corners of the lobby.
DSL Visiting Committee Here Next Week; UA Req’s Forum
On Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 9–10, the MIT Corporation’s Visiting Committee for the Division of Student Life will visit MIT. The Undergraduate Association hastily passed a bill requesting the committee hold a forum open to all students; the bill was passed on Monday, Nov. 2, well after the committee’s schedule at MIT has been set.
IFC and Panhellenic Council Elect Officers
The IFC’s newly elected executive board will be take office on Wednesday November 11, led by President T. Ryan Schoen ’11. The board has modified its positions, combining the former programming and recruitment chairs into one position and creating a new publicity chair.
BC, Fraternities Are Evacuated After Construction-Related Fire
A cloud of black smoke towered above the former Alpha Tau Omega fraternity on Wednesday morning after a fire broke out at around 8:15 a.m. in a construction trench, according to the MIT News Office.
Was Your Bike Eaten by Obama?
The bicycle rack under Building 9 was hastily removed on Wednesday, Oct. 21 in preparation for President Obama’s visit the following Friday. About twenty bicycles were cut off the rack and their broken locks were left lying in a pile on the pavement.
Nozette ’83 Charged with Espionage; Could Be Sentenced to Life in Prison
Last Thursday, MIT alum Dr. Stewart D Nozette PhD ’83 appeared before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and plead not guilty to committing espionage against the United States government. He will be returning to court on November 10 to face a sentence that could put him in prison for life.
Cheung Elected, Stohlman Trails
Leland Cheung G has secured a position on Cambridge’s City Council in Tuesday’s election, according to unofficial results released Thursday evening. Tabulation of votes was complicated by the high number of auxiliary, or write-in, ballots, of which there were 3,590.
Division of Student Life Visiting Committee Membership
Division of Student Life Visiting Committee Membership
MIThenge is Fast Approaching Predictions for 2009–2010
MIThenge is a twice-annual moment when the stars align — or at least the sun does — with the Infinite Corridor.
Police Log
<i>The following incidents were reported to the Campus Police between Sept. 25 and Oct. 14. The dates below reflect the dates incidents occurred. This information is compiled from the Campus Police’s crime log. The report does not include alarms, general service calls, or incidents not reported to the dispatcher.</i>
Panhel Executive Board
Position Name Affiliation President Arti V. Virkud ’11 Alpha Phi Executive VP Veronica E. Wilson ’11 Alpha Chi Omega VP Recruitment Diana M. Wieser ’12 Kappa Alpha Theta VP Recruitment Programming Megan E. Kercher ’11 Alpha Chi Omega VP Programming Kimberly M. Sparling ’12 Sigma Kappa VP Public Relations Tracey A. Hayse ’11 Pi Beta Phi VP Finance Judy Hsiang ’12 Alpha Epsilon Phi
Schmidt, Google Chief, Talks about His Plans
It seemed to be a meeting like any other: brownies and fresh apple cider for refreshments, professionals engaged in conversations, and a frenetic sense of purpose filled in the air. That is, until Google CEO Eric E. Schmidt walked through the doors to the room.
IFC Executive Board
Position Name Affiliation President T. Ryan Schoen ’11 Kappa Sigma Vice President Clark D. Minor ’12 Phi Kappa Sigma Executive Assistant Ben D. Harvatine ’12 Phi Kappa Sigma Judicial Committee Chair Garrett R. Fritz ’11 Sigma Nu Risk Manager Ian L. Matts ’11 Kappa Sigma Recruitment & Programming Chair Spencer J. Parra ’11 Sigma Nu Public Relations Chair Kris T. Swick ’12 Phi Kappa Theta
Results of UA Finance Board Allocations Appeals for Summer/Fall 2009
Results of UA Finance Board Allocations Appeals for Summer/Fall 2009
Finboard Allocation Shrinks as UA Looks At Financial Policies
Due in part to stricter standards for funding requests, the Undergraduate Association Finance Board gave out much less money to student groups than it has in the past. Student groups received $93,697, about $16,000 less than the UA authorized Finboard to allocate. Also, a recent Senate bill that would route unspent UA money into Finboard’s account was tabled in October over concerns about its constitutionality.
Media Lab Extension To Be Completed by November 30
MIT’s newest building, a luminous laboratory made of glass and steel, will finally open its doors to occupants on November 30.
Team Will Study Athena Clusters To Gauge Potential Cost Savings
Conceived in an era when most students didn’t have access to their own computers, are MIT’s Athena computing clusters still relevant today?