Massachusetts General Law, c.262, s.22b
Whoever has sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual intercourse (Writer’s note: this includes anal sex, oral sex, or intercourse involving an object or body part not the penis) with a person and compels such person to submit by force and against his will, or compels such person to submit by threat of bodily injury, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than twenty years; and whoever commits a second or subsequent such offense shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for life or for any term or years.
The topic of sex is important in any discussion about the health of a campus. It is also one that is not often openly discussed. There is a lot we think we know about the sex lives of MIT students. But what is the truth? What is the norm at MIT? We hope you enjoy the content in this issue's special section and learn more about sex at MIT.
New MIT Undergraduate Program Helps Students Communicate in Industry
The students practice networking and hone “elevator pitches,” entrepreneurial ideas summarized in under a minute. They don blindfolds for team-building activities. Failure is met with candid critiques about their leadership styles.
Wave of Theft Hit MIT Dorms; MIT Police Have Made Arrests
Seventy-nine thefts, including 24 laptops and 18 bicycles, have been reported on the MIT campus this term. Derek Correira was arrested in Baker House on Oct. 22 for stealing a laptop.
Energy Dept. Aid Goes to Cutting-Edge Research
The federal Energy Department will make good on a pledge for a bolder technology strategy on Monday, awarding research grants for ideas like bacteria that will make gasoline, enzymes that will capture carbon dioxide to counter global warming and batteries so cheap that they will allow the use of solar power all night long.
Kate’s Top 10 Tips on Sex
2. If you’re going to be engaging in sex play, any kind of sex play at all, with different people, using latex condoms or female condoms is the safest way to protect yourself.
Cambridge Council Candidate Knocks For Votes
Have you seen Leland Cheung? As Election Day nears, the Cambridge City Council candidate and Sloan School student has been trying to talk to as many people as possible. He’s even made the rounds in some MIT dorms to ask for your vote.
MIT Donor and Madoff Investor Picower Had Pool Heart Attack
An autopsy shows that Jeffry M. Picower, a prominent philanthropist accused of reaping about $7 billion in profit from Bernard L. Madoff’s vast Ponzi scheme, drowned on Sunday after having a heart attack.
Tosci’s Gets a New Ice Cream Chef, 26 New Flavors
Churning out Toscanini’s newest flavors of ice cream is not a shiny new Cuisinart automatic, but local Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef Kevin A. Rafferty.
Clean Energy Is Our Future, Says Obama
President Barack Obama commended MIT for its “extraordinary energy research” and urged America to take leadership in cleaner technologies in a speech this past Friday at Kresge Auditorium.
Police Log
The following incidents were reported to the Campus Police between Sept. 16 and Sept. 25. The dates below reflect the dates incidents occurred. This information is compiled from the Campus Police’s crime log. The report does not include alarms, general service calls, or incidents not reported to the dispatcher.
President Obama to Speak at MIT on Friday
President Barack Obama will be speaking at MIT tomorrow “challenging Americans to lead the global economy in clean energy, and to highlight Recovery Act investments that are creating jobs and making advancements in wind energy,” the White House said.
Students Energetically Await President Obama’s Visit, Speech
The news of President Barack Obama’s arrival on campus has sparked excitement throughout the MIT community, but it has also prompted protests.
MIT Seeks To Grow Its Research Abroad
In its 2009 accreditation self-study, MIT identified global engagement as one of the top priorities in the coming years. Unlike some others, this initiative has remained untouched by the need for fiscal moderation.
MIT May Cut Employee Pension Plans, Saving $200M
MIT may cut employee pension plans as part of a plan to save $27–$199 million over the next 2–10 years, according to the preliminary report of the Institute-Wide Planning Task Force released in August. The retirement plan cuts constitute much of the proposed cuts in workforce policies and practices recommended by the report.
Should MIT Have Fewer Grad Students? Admins Still Evaluating Options
Among the 200 cost-cutting ideas presented in the preliminary Institute-wide task force report, several ideas stand out for their potential to impact graduate student life at MIT, if implemented:<br> ¶ “Right-size” graduate student body<br> ¶ Reevaluate TA costs<br> ¶ “3+2” transfer programs<br> ¶ Online-based masters degrees
MIT Greets President Obama
President Barack Obama will speak at MIT today “challenging Americans to lead the global economy in clean energy, and to highlight Recovery Act investments that are creating jobs and making advancements in wind energy,” the White House said.