Haiyan aid lagging
BASEY, Philippines — When Typhoon Haiyan hit this coastal town, residents ran for Saint Michael the Archangel Church. Now, 10 days later, more than 100 of them remain.
Broad Institute receives $100 million donation
To build on a decade of biomedical research at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, the real estate magnate and philanthropist Eli Broad will announce Thursday that he and his wife, Edythe, are providing another $100 million to the genomics center that bears their name.
Underclassmen Giving Campaign raises over $8000
The Undergraduate Giving Campaign (UGC) ended on Nov. 1, raising a total of $8674.82. The UGC collects donations from freshmen, sophomores, and juniors for one week per semester to fund Expedition Grants from MIT’s Public Service Center, which support undergraduate public service projects abroad.
Shawarma Shack is now open on the second floor of the student center in the Lobdell Food Court. Operated by the owners of Pacific Street Cafe, Shawarma Shack serves Middle Eastern dishes with Moroccan flair, including shawarma, falafel, kebobs, grape leaves, and other Halal dishes. It is open Sunday thru Friday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
New ASA resource eligibility proposal
The resources for which MIT student groups can be eligible may be subject to new restrictions introduced within key Association of Student Activities (ASA) proposed policy changes. The proposal describing those restrictions — the “openness” proposal — would implement a tiered ASA resource eligibility system based on the group’s membership policies regarding sex/gender, undergraduate/graduate student status, class year, GPA, and major.
Crandall passes at 92
Stephen H. Crandall, the Ford Professor of Engineering Emeritus at MIT, a pioneer in random vibrations and rotordynamics, and a leader in transforming mechanics into an engineering science, passed away Oct. 29, in Needham, Mass. He was 92 years old.
DuPont CEO Ellen Kullman is 2014 Commencement speaker
Ellen Kullman, the CEO and chairwoman of DuPont, will deliver the keynote Commencement speech in June 2014, MIT is expected to announce today. She will be the fourth speaker in five years at the helm of a science or technology company.
Lobby 10 to be renamed ‘Memorial Lobby’
On Nov. 18, Lobby 10 will be officially renamed “Memorial Lobby.”
Prof. emeritus Bloomfield dies
Professor emeritus of political science Lincoln Palmer Bloomfield died Oct. 30 of respiratory failure. He was 93.
Walsh elected the 48th Boston mayor
One thought prevailed as state Representative Martin J. Walsh and Councilor at Large John R. Connolly battled for mayor of Boston: The road to City Hall would lead through the heart of the city and its southernmost precincts. On Election Day, that appears to be exactly what happened.
Rules to require equal coverage for mental illnesses
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Friday will complete a generation-long effort to require insurers to cover care for mental health and addiction just like physical illnesses when it issues long-awaited regulations defining parity in benefits and treatment.
Reif discusses his vision of MIT’s next Chancellor, seeks student input
Two weeks ago, President L. Rafael Reif announced that Eric Grimson PhD ’80 would be stepping down from his Chancellorship to take on the new role of Chancellor for Academic Advancement. Prior to serving as the Chancellor, Grimson headed the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from 2005 to 2011. The Tech sat down with Reif to discuss his visions for the next Chancellor and Grimson’s new role in fundraising.
Unofficial results for Cambridge municipal elections released
In the aftermath of Election Day this past Tuesday, the Cambridge Election Commission has released the preliminary results for the city council school committee elections. According to these numbers, which do not include provisional and overseas ballots, four new city councillors and two new school committee members may be elected when the official numbers are reported on November 15.
MIT’s Daniel Kleppner was among nine individuals named as laureates by the Franklin Institute on Monday. Kleppner was awarded the 2014 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics “for many pioneering contributions to discoveries of novel quantum phenomena involving the interaction of atoms with electromagnetic fields and the behavior of ultra-low temperatures,” according to a Monday press release published by the Franklin Institute. Kleppner, who is the Lester Wolfe Professor Emeritus of Physics at MIT, conducts research in atomic physics. In addition to his Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics, he is also the recipient of the 2006 National Medal of Science and the 2005 Wolf Prize.
Student group space allocation applications are due on Monday, Nov. 11 to the ASA. In addition, applications for new student groups are due next Friday, Nov. 15 at http://web.mit.edu/asa/start/index.html. The deadline to submit applications to the ASA’s Large Event Fund (LEF) and the Assisting Recurring Cultural and Diversity Events (ARCADE) fund is Sun, Nov. 24.
Fifth week flags issued
This semester, 144 freshmen, or 12.9 percent of the Class of 2017, were issued fifth week flags. The proportion of recipients is down from almost a fifth of the Class of 2016 last year. Fifth week flags exist as part of an early warning system to encourage students to reevaluate their study habits.
The Graduate Student Housing Working Group was formed to “focus on how we might best house our graduate students” according to the May/June faculty newsletter. In August, the group’s chairman Professor Phillip L. Clay wrote in an email to The Tech that the group planned to “issue a report in October.” However, Dean for Graduate Education Christine Ortiz, a member of the group, wrote that the group is “still deliberating” and offered no updates in an Oct. 28 email to The Tech.
Pelosi visits C-Mod, PSFC layoffs delayed
U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi visited MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) Thursday, where she learned about MIT’s fusion experiments performed on its tokamak Alcator C-Mod, according to MIT News. The experiment faces an uncertain future and may fail to receive federal funding in FY 2014.