Laundry and life
My first day of class, I was up before my alarm. I typically take an extra ten minutes to mourn the end of summer. That morning, however, was the exception. That morning was a magical microcosm of perfection, on par with a sunny “getting-ready-for-school” movie montage. I could almost hear faint echoes of peppy ukulele music.
Sisterly beginnings
Greek life used to make me shriek. As a result of growing up in a southern college town, the words fraternities and sororities became synonymous to me with partying, money, and stupidity. Even though I viewed Greek life in a negative way, I still made the decision to go through recruitment this year. To be honest, I’m not really sure why. When people asked, I would tell them that sorority sisters form tight bonds and I was interested in that. But, I suspect I also saw it as some form of rebellion against my parents, who were not fans of the whole Greek Life culture. Whatever the reason was, the week of orientation, I entered my information onto the sorority recruitment page and was ready to go.
Institute Double Take
Saturday morning at the Sailing Pavilion dock is a lovely sight in and of itself, but with cloudy weather and twilight lighting, it’s even more serene. The water is silvery and sparkles in the sun while the city skyline is crisp. It really brings out the bright colors of the boats and sails.
A ladies’ (and gentlemen’s) guide to Rush
As a freshman, I’ve been on campus for less than two weeks. And yet, I’ve already received free steak and shakes, won a 3D printer, and proven that I am Grade A fraternity brother material.
A guide to groceries at MIT
Buying your own groceries can be intimidating. I’ve been buying groceries for the past year, so I decided to put together a guide to groceries near MIT.
Elegy for Bexley Hall
“no more can you teach stone to swim can you teach a lawful man to breathe” she kicked the gate and black paint flaked off revealing a deeply burnt-in rust
Institute Double Take
An Institute Double Take is a photo taken by a staff photographer which may not fit into a typical newspaper category, but still shows a unique side of MIT and includes a short description of the story behind the photo.
The time is right: social justice at MIT
It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter. As an institution we are standing in reflection and grief after too many deaths of our students and employees. Nationally from Ferguson to Baltimore, we are grappling with large scale racial and class injustices. I was asked to contribute to this ‘Intuitively Obvious’ column, and it is a good time for us to consider how best to care for each other, our community, and for ourselves.
Technical Problems 6
Technical Problems is a weekly column consisting of puzzles and math problems intended to be accessible to undergraduates of all majors. Solutions are posted two weeks later online. If you are interested in having one or more of your solutions published in the column, please send them to
On your side
“SAAM Says” is a collection of narratives by sexual assault survivors and victim advocates being published during MIT Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This is the last of four pieces in the series.
Technical Problems 5
Technical Problems is a weekly column consisting of puzzles and math problems intended to be accessible to undergraduates of all majors. Solutions are posted two weeks later online. If you are interested in having one or more of your solutions published in the column, please send them to
Technical Problems 4
Technical Problems is a weekly column consisting of puzzles and math problems intended to be accessible to undergraduates of all majors. The column features new problems each week as well as solutions to the problems posed two weeks earlier. Solutions to the problems posed on April 9 are posted on our website. The solutions to last week’s problems will be included in the column next week. If you are interested in having one or more of your solutions published in the column, please send them to
“SAAM Says” is a collection of narratives by sexual assault survivors and victim advocates being published during MIT Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This is the third of four pieces in the series.
Solutions to Technical Problems from April 2
Alice and Bob alternately mark the squares of a 4×4 square grid, with Alice going first. If a 2×2 sub-grid is completely marked after a player’s turn, then he or she loses. Who can force a win, and what is the winning player’s strategy?
Dropping the phone
“SAAM Says” is a collection of narratives by sexual assault survivors and victim advocates being published during MIT Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This is the second of four pieces in the series.
Technical Problems 3
Technical Problems is a weekly column consisting of puzzles and math problems intended to be accessible to undergraduates of all majors. The column features new problems each week as well as solutions to the problems posed two weeks earlier. The solutions to last week’s problems will be included in the column next week. If you are interested in having one or more of your solutions published in the column, please send them to
“SAAM Says” is a collection of narratives by sexual assault survivors and victim advocates being published during MIT Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This is the first of four pieces in the series.
Harder than MIT
I am an MIT alum, and I suffer from POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). Before reading about the tragic news of MIT student Christina E. Tournant’s death, most of you had probably never heard of POTS. Most of the doctors that I have seen have also never heard of POTS. However, more people have POTS than multiple sclerosis (MS) or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Experts estimate that POTS impacts one to three million Americans, 85 percent of whom are female.