Tell us a story
Ultimately, a Mock Trial round comes down to being able to tell the best story.
Thorburn’s Suppers
Senior Craig Thorburn, from Scotland, founded Burns Supper at MIT, which features Scottish food, music, and dancing.
Fiddles and F-theory
Meet Yu-Chien, a physics graduate student at MIT.
A freshman who does it all
Welcome to our new weekly feature on a random MIT student! To start off this exciting new series we delve deeper into the life of a freshman who does it all: Nathan Liang.
‘The pride I felt after volunteering’
The weekends I spent volunteering at events around the city soon translated to hours leading students.
‘I feel aloof yet connected to the rest of the world’
When it is dusk, I can see how the lights of the houses echo the stars above...
Tick tock, tick tock
Once you’ve started procrastinating, don’t feel as though you must keep procrastinating. You are not simply either a procrastinating fool or a productivity fiend.
An open letter to classes that have psets and exams in the same week
No, no, I'm not dropping you, so don't freak out, but I really need the next few days away from you to process things.
‘This is the place where the fog rolls’
I am still picking through it all, trying to piece together who I think I want to be.
‘The world was once just a tiny silhouette’
I loved the hustle and bustle of daily commuters. I dreamed about becoming them, about having the opportunity to live life in a busy city.
14 things you missed from the 90th Academy Awards
Jimmy Kimmel turned the Oscars into a game show.
10 things that tell you that (a Cambridge) spring is coming
There’s slush everywhere, but the flowers are also blooming. It’s a real Cambridge spring.
A physics Olympiad that was almost bad
By the time I switched back to the test a neglected anxiety problem was at its peak, a sticky area covered my arm, empty test pages were sitting on the table, and only two hours were left. I knew it wouldn’t end well.
Apples to apples to better apples
They stared at it in stunned silence for a while. I fidgeted with my fingers. Did I mess up?
Queerness and quick queries
There is much mythology surrounding the female orgasm.
On sororities and the force of friendships
As I looked around McCormick’s east penthouse, at all the faces I didn’t know, I felt as though we were all crawling toward the ocean together, and I hoped we would make it.
Not in love with this
To quote Rilke, “If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches.”
Alternative Valentine’s Day origin stories
The history of Valentine’s Day is pretty vague. So why not try and theorize how it started?
Slippery and confused
If you have questions for Auntie Matter, please submit them at