A biomedical chemical engineer
Sarah Shapiro, a PhD student, is active in the GSAB and the GSC and loves sewing.
In the heat of the moment
Don’t wait too long for the perfect moment. There won’t be one.
11 signs that the end is in sight
Are you counting down the days until summer? I definitely am. Here are 11 signs that we’re almost there.
A venture capitalist of many talents
Myra Ahmad is a junior who loves her community in McCormick and in the Muslim Students’ Association.
Dance and design
Meet Eke, a sophomore who loves architecture and dancing with various Boston dance groups.
Welcome to CPW, Class of 2022!
The Tech interviews prospective students at CPW about what's awesome about MIT and themselves.
The special Simmons sport
March Madness is over. The Super Bowl is a distant memory. Make way for the next big sporting event of the year: the Scootah Hockey World Championships!
Devoted to Disney
Meet Therese Mills, a freshman who loves Disney, fencing, and math.
Prefrosh? Read this!
In the midst of all the liquid nitrogen ice cream, puzzle hunts, and lock-picking, you should make sure to take time for self-reflection.
6 quick things to do to prepare for CPW
Are you panicking about the avalanche of event preparations crashing down on your shoulders?
Tell us a story
Ultimately, a Mock Trial round comes down to being able to tell the best story.
Thorburn’s Suppers
Senior Craig Thorburn, from Scotland, founded Burns Supper at MIT, which features Scottish food, music, and dancing.
Fiddles and F-theory
Meet Yu-Chien, a physics graduate student at MIT.
A freshman who does it all
Welcome to our new weekly feature on a random MIT student! To start off this exciting new series we delve deeper into the life of a freshman who does it all: Nathan Liang.
‘The pride I felt after volunteering’
The weekends I spent volunteering at events around the city soon translated to hours leading students.
‘I feel aloof yet connected to the rest of the world’
When it is dusk, I can see how the lights of the houses echo the stars above...
Tick tock, tick tock
Once you’ve started procrastinating, don’t feel as though you must keep procrastinating. You are not simply either a procrastinating fool or a productivity fiend.
An open letter to classes that have psets and exams in the same week
No, no, I'm not dropping you, so don't freak out, but I really need the next few days away from you to process things.
‘This is the place where the fog rolls’
I am still picking through it all, trying to piece together who I think I want to be.