Robotic restaurant opening soon in Boston
Spyce is a restaurant business started by four MIT graduates, which features a robotic kitchen. I tried their food, and it turns out that robots are pretty good at cooking!
The unexpected rockstar
This documentary is an intimate look into how a girl from Brooklyn became a modern-day icon. A film that truly shows standing up for what you believe in makes you unforgettable.
Scientists fight patriarchy by discovering astronomical theories
The universal struggles portrayed through these women reflect of how much has changed, and what issues persist, in our human endeavor to understand the universe.
All rock ‘n’ roll, all the time
A night of music that was truly unforgettable. BANNERS comes to town.
Tech startup Pied Piper finally moves up in the world
Both Pied Piper’s crew and the Silicon Valley television show itself have evolved over the past four seasons, but this season so far feels more of a hit or miss.
Westworld’s gentle steps since a violent end
Westworld’s season two starts as a search for answers, both for the characters within the show and for the audience. Within this madness, if you feel like the beginning of the new season poses more questions than it answers, you are not alone.
The world in varying shades of gray
Halloween comes early to MIT, as Next Act uses a bit of necromancy to pull you into a musical that is anything but dead. An undead work of art in every sense of the word.
Listen to him, he likes zucchinis
It’s hard to be completely optimistic on your own, what with famine, poverty, and the confusing architecture of the stud.
Few vague ways of ‘fixing’ your broken heart
Next time you are comforting a heartbroken friend, you can use some tricks that you learned in this book. But other than that, this book has little to offer.
The shocking state of rape kits in America
Spanning three major U.S. cities and telling the stories of four survivors, I Am Evidence brings to light a relatively unheard-of problem regarding sexual assault in America. I Am Evidence is the story of the 400,000 untested, abandoned rape kits sitting in police warehouses all over the United States.
Would you trade your identity for a bag of marbles?
Joseph, the precocious younger brother, lets us in on his thoughts of his developing philosophy on living and why he chooses to live. We watch him grow up in Nazi-occupied France from the “crybaby” (as his brother calls him) who lost his blue marble to one who refuses to let go of his life.
Panda pandemonium
Due to their adorable appearance, pandas have embedded themselves in human society as cute icons found in advertising and media. Embracing the cuteness of these animals, ‘PANDAS’ depicts the challenges of panda conservation as Chinese and US biologists collaborate to train panda cubs for success in their natural habitat.
The greatest pizza is the simplest
To feel at home in Boston as a New Jersey transplant, I found unexpected cheap slice near Chinatown.
A curse hangs over the youngest of the Kennedys
While on Chappaquiddick island, Ted, with Ms. Kopechne seated beside him, drives his car over the bridge and into the water one night, setting off the infamous scandal of the 1970s.
Watch this wild, heartfelt goose chase to cockblock teenagers
What could otherwise be a raunchy teen comedy becomes a feel-good film about parenting and the process of watching your children become adults. Yes, parents: young adults can have sex, try drugs, or move to college, or all three.
Audience ‘Members Don’t Get Weary’
Chances are, if you’re picturing modern dance, you’re imagining something that drew its inspiration from choreography by Alvin Ailey, who is credited with popularizing the art form while simultaneously blazing his own trail.
An eternal smile
What happens in a room full of tired college students, a few comedians, and a whole lot of jokes? SNL members come to MIT for a night rife with laughter.
‘Unsane’ captures the internal struggles we all face
I first heard of Unsane while I was on YouTube; I was taking pset break by watching some videos when the trailer popped up. My first instinct was to press the “Skip Ad” button, but as the summary unfolded, I couldn’t help but finish watching.
A woman in the blue dress
You’ll want to see these two characters duke it out, letting their wits do the talking. It’s one power struggle after another in this play as Pillar and van Meegeren try to assert their dominance in this tiny prison cell.
Who let the dogs out?
Wes Anderson’s new film, Isle of Dogs, combines Japanese culture, dogs, and a different kind of social commentary. What does it mean to love unconditionally? Should we give dogs the same kind of respect that we would give our fellow humans? Are humans deserving of such respect?