UA presidential candidates discuss transparency, climate change, COVID-19, and CUP experiments in debate
Both candidates expressed concern over institutional memory and proposed increasing documentation on past conversations. Both candidates also said that having these records available to students is important.
Fall academic COVID-19 preparations discussed at faculty meeting
Vice Chancellor Ian Waitz presented several possibilities for the fall academic term during the April 22 faculty meeting, including remote teaching, in-person classes, socially-distant learning, or a hybrid scenario.
UA presidential debate, elections, Institute Committee applications
The UA presidential debate will be held 2 p.m. EDT April 25. Voting opens 12 p.m. EDT April 26 and closes 3 a.m. EDT May 2.
MIT organizes virtual CP★ for Class of 2024
Over 60 academic events and 200 student events have been scheduled for the Class of 2024. New additions to CP★ include the MITPal pen pal program and a CP★ Discord server hosted by the Student Information Processing Board (SIPB).
New Vassar opening delayed, BC may remain open for a semester
Vice President and Dean for Student Life Suzy Nelson wrote in an email to The Tech that “until we know more about the virus’s trajectory as well as the next steps with the City of Cambridge’s construction moratorium… it is premature to predict what will happen” with BC and New Vassar.
MIT eligible for $5 million in federal COVID-19 financial support
At least 50% of the money must be “reserved to provide students with emergency financial aid grants,” U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos wrote in a letter to college and university presidents April 9.
6.145 IAP class to be discontinued
The three-unit IAP class 6.145 (Brief Introduction to Python) will no longer be offered starting January 2021. 6.145 satisfied the programming skills requirement for Course 6 majors as an alternative to 6.0001, a six-unit course offered during the fall and spring semesters.
CP★, drop date, first-year major declaration
Virtual CP★ events will take place this weekend.
Financial impact of MIT’s COVID-19 response already $50 million
Reif wrote that although MIT has worked to build its financial reserves after the 2008 Great Recession, “the present crisis may be more severe” in its potential financial effect.
Class of 2023 to declare majors virtually
Much of the process for major declaration has remained the same despite the disruption caused by COVID-19. Most notably, the deadline of the declaration form has not changed.
Administrators address budgeting, public health, research at town hall
Provost Martin Schmidt emphasized the role of “collective shared sacrifice” in the preservation of jobs. However, Schmidt also couldn’t “say what we will be able to do” due to the uncertainty surrounding summer and fall.
Students assigned virtual coaches from Student Success Team
The Student Success Team’s overall purpose is to “support the success of students” and “identify students who might be facing challenges adjusting or staying connected.”
CP★ events, first-year major declaration, half-term add date
Intent to Run forms for Undergruaduate Association positions are due April 10.
MIT EMS heightens PPE protocols for COVID-19
MIT EMTs now respond to all calls wearing face shields, N95 masks, and gloves. In addition, if there is any suspicion based on CDC guidelines that a patient may have COVID-19, the EMTs will wear gowns.
MIT Medical provides testing for all students remaining on campus
MIT Medical Director Cecilia Stuopis “strongly recommends” that all students on campus be tested so that MIT Medical can “identify people who have COVID-19 but do not yet display symptoms.”
DAPER closes outdoor facilities
“We will continue to monitor our outdoor spaces, and if individuals don't comply with public health directives,” MIT and DAPER may take “further action to limit the potential” for COVID-19 spread on MIT campus, the statement wrote.
Housing lottery results, town hall, half term add date
The results of the residence hall switch lottery will be sent to students Monday.
Many college students excluded from receiving direct payments from stimulus package
The package will provide direct payments to lower and middle-income individuals, provide higher level education institutions with emergency funds, and temporarily relieve student loan borrowers.
MIT students create virtual community through Discord server
Popular events have included live-streamed movie nights with LSC, as well as game nights where users could join a voice channel and play games such as Jackbox and wiki-racing.
MIT Dining finalizes meal plan options for 2020-2021 academic year
The price of the top meal plan increased six percent from the 2019-2020 academic year, MIT Dining Director Mark Hayes said in an interview with The Tech. Hayes added that a six percent increase is the “maximum allowed for the financial aid calculation.”