Undergraduates required to move out of dorms and FSILGs by March 17
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, undergraduates living in MIT dorms, fraternities, sororities, or independent living groups (FSILGs) are required to move out by noon March 17. Classes will be canceled March 16–20, extending to spring break, which runs March 23–27. Classes will resume in online-only formats March 30.
Reif announces new travel and events policies in response to COVID-19
MIT will “postpone, cancel, or ‘virtualize’” in-person MIT events with more than 150 attendees, including CPW and “other signature spring semester conferences and celebrations,” the policies state.
Open advising hours and higher-level tutoring announced in math department
Peskin said that the open advising hours were partly implemented due to the high number of undergraduate students within the math department (about 400 students) compared to faculty members (just over 40). This imbalance “requires every member of the math faculty to be an advisor,” Peskin said.
6.0001/2, 6.009, and 8.02 switch away from Piazza
6.0001/2 switched to Ed Discussion, an alternate third-party platform. 6.009 switched to “the forum,” a site instructor Adam Hartz ’11 built using the platform Discourse, an open-source software. 8.02 switched to a MITx discussion forum hosted on the MITx Residential platform.
Burton Conner discusses transition in community meeting
BC President Sara Aaronson told The Tech that because BC culture is closely tied to its nine floors, “some are worried about losing physical access to people they’ve built strong ties to and are comfortable with” through the renewal.
Meal Plan Working Group holds forum
When a student raised the concern that increasing meal swipe minimums decreases student flexibility, Hayes said that MIT inherently has flexible dining options by making dining dollars optional and allowing students to choose their dining plan. Hayes noted that other peer institutions require all students to be on the same meal plan.
New Vassar floor plans, dining, and rooming details released
NV will also contain a grocery market, called “Tim’s Market.” Founders’ group member Tingyi Lu ’23 said at a NV info social March 1 that because the NV dining hall will serve only brunch and dinner, the store will serve as a “breakfast marketplace” similar to the pick-a-lunch program in Walker Memorial.
Associate advisor applications, CPW event submissions, PE classes
Submit your applications to become a first-year associate advisor and/or orientation leader by 5 p.m. Friday.
Michael Sipser reflects on time as School of Science dean
“I have research ideas that I want to explore of a mostly mathematical, theoretical computer science nature. But I have to get back into it. There’s a certain amount of rebooting to start to think about mathematics again.”
MIT Dining to increase meal plan commitment minimums for Class of 2024
MIT Dining will employ a phased implementation beginning with the Class of 2024 this fall: the meal swipe commitment will increase to 225 for first-year students, 190 for sophomores, and 160 for juniors and seniors.
Changes to political science undergraduate committee
Stewart added that the political science department recently changed its major requirements to make the undergraduate thesis optional.
NASEM working groups release sexual misconduct prevention recommendations
The new IDHR office will have an immediate impact on students because it will serve as a “centralized resource” for students, faculty, and staff facing harassment-related issues.
Mocha Moves: Cirque de Moleil
MIT Mocha Moves performed this past weekend at their Spring 2020 show Cirque du Moleil. Dance performances spanned a variety of styles featuring urban hip-hop and contemporary pieces. The show's hosts also shared the spotlight through interactive minigames featuring audience members, many of whom were former MIT Mocha Moves members.
Ring sales, blood drive, final exam schedules
Sophomores, ring sales end Friday 4 p.m. Information is available at brassrat2022.mit.edu.
Eastgate Apartments to close at the end of summer
Eastgate and Westgate are currently the only dormitories for graduate students with families.
John Dozier to become ICEO March 15
President Reif wrote that Dozier “brings to this role an outstanding record of leadership, great personal warmth and a sense of curiosity, enthusiasm and experimentation that feel very MIT.”
Ad Hoc Faculty Committee chairs provide updates at faculty meeting Feb. 19
The Ad Hoc Committee to Review MIT Gift Processes is currently looking into peer institutions’ policies.
Admiral William McRaven to speak at Commencement
As a recognized authority on U.S. foreign policy, McRaven advised presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama on defense issues.
Working group findings on graduate family support released
The working group’s final report includes findings from the Graduate Enrolled Student Survey showing that the top sources of stress for students with children are related to caring for family, cost of living, and household responsibilities.