MIT commits to developing and implementing Institute-wide plan for diversity, equity, and inclusion
The plan will be developed with input from “across the community,” including Black Students’ Union (BSU) and Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA) representatives.
Graduate students write letter to Trump in support of OPT and international students
The letter urged Trump to “maintain the OPT program and the STEM OPT extension in their entirety” citing that international students contributed nearly $45 billion and over 450,000 jobs to the U.S. economy during the 2018-19 academic year.
Outside Engagements Survey closed amid controversy
The survey contained six questions each asking students to choose between two hypothetical donor engagements based on the donation amount, “MIT’s recognition of the donor,” the “donor’s intended use for the money,” and the donor’s controversial activities, criminal history, and conviction history.
International student remote appointment guidelines released
In addition to good academic standing, secure funding, and the permission of the student's supervisor, the eligibility criteria require that “any continuing student must have returned to their home country prior to May 21, 2020.”
MIT transitions to Canvas from Stellar and Learning Modules
“A modern LMS allows instructors and students to engage in ways that are difficult, or impossible, in Stellar,” Rajagopal wrote, citing examples such as embedding videos, accessing course materials on phones and tablets, syncing with calendars, grading assignments within the LMS, and student content sharing and collaboration.
Heads of house issue memorandum against 100% undergraduate return in fall
The memorandum wrote that the 100% undergraduate return option “might create a false sense of security” and “normalcy,” increasing the likelihood of noncompliance with physical distancing rules.
MIT ends negotiations with Elsevier
MIT has “perpetual access” to most pre-2020 Elsevier articles, Bourg and Levy wrote. Additionally, “access to e-books, book series, handbooks, reference works, and databases published by Elsevier is not affected.”
Team 2020 releases undergraduate Student Preference Survey results
The first part of the survey asked students to consider an academic scenario involving a mostly-remote curriculum with some in-person elements for lab classes, project classes, and UROPs.
Catholic chaplain resigns over email responding to Floyd killing
The Archdiocese wrote in its statement that Moloney’s “comments regarding the murder of George Floyd do not reflect the positions of the Archdiocese.” By resigning, Moloney “accepts the hurt” his comments “have caused.”
Reif shares preliminary fall decisions for undergraduates’ return to campus
MIT does not yet know how many undergraduates will be able to return to campus. Reif wrote that this decision “depends on several factors, some beyond our control,” such as the COVID-19 pandemic’s trajectory and government’s response.
MIT summer programming canceled or virtualized through Aug. 31
MIT’s April 24 guidance on summer programming has been extended through Aug. 31, according to an update on MIT’s COVID-19 Info Center website June 3.
MIT participates in #ShutDownSTEM, #ShutDownAcademia, #Strike4BlackLives
The math department and the earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences department separately held department-wide readings and discussions on anti-black racism in STEM.
UA releases recommendations on options for Fall 2020
The Undergraduate Association’s (UA) Committee on COVID-19 released its recommendations to Team 2020 on possible scenarios for the fall semester June 6.
MIT community members hold peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstration
About 100 MIT community members held a peaceful Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstration June 6 on the steps outside Lobby 7.
Math department criticized for lack of diversity and inclusion
An ongoing discussion about diversity and inclusion in the math department began on the department’s Piazza page last week after several current and former math majors criticized the department’s lack of inclusivity.
MIT community holds vigil in wake of George Floyd killing
“We can and must legislate the hateful dehumanizing actions of those who are unwilling to check their biases. I stand in support of the peaceful protesters insisting on accountability in the recent killing,” Dozier said, emphasizing that he supports the MIT community’s efforts to build a more “inclusive, equitable, and just future.”
Community members propose fall models during charrettes
Participants were given ten minutes to design a fall model with several constraints in mind. The constraints included the uncertainty of the pandemic trajectory and medical advances, measures taken to protect community health, space limitations of campus, most classes being remote, and community members’ willingness and reasons to return to campus.
‘The Tech’ stands with Black communities
Names — Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Tony McDade — and voices can no longer go unheard. We stand in solidarity with the courageous protestors, organizers, and heroes who fight each day for justice.
MIT celebrates Class of 2020’s virtual commencement
Reif said that an in-person commencement will be held at MIT at “some safe point in the future.” He also said that digital diplomas have been delivered to students who requested them through the Blockcerts Wallet app.
MIT team wins International Theoretical Physics Olympiad
The ITPO’s website writes that the problems are written by PhD students and postdocs. The exams allow students to “play with non-trivial questions and to learn through competition,” the website writes.