Temp Housemasters Picked For Senior House
Senior House residents have picked interim housemasters for the next year, after their choice for permanent housemasters was rejected by Dean of Student Life Chris Colombo in early July. Jagruti S. Patel ’97 and her husband Antony N. Donovan ’94, both Senior House alumni, have been appointed as interim housemasters after a brief search.
Can Harvard Trademark Common Phrases? An ‘H’?
Harvard University has sought for decades to protect and profit from its good name, one of the most recognizable brands in the world.
Aafia Siddiqui ’95 Scheduled To Stand Trial In October
Aafia Siddiqui ’95, a Pakistani neuroscientist accused of trying to kill American soldiers and FBI agents in Afghanistan, has been found competent to stand trial by a federal judge in Manhattan.
Day-Long E-mail Outage Affects 10,500
Repeated problems have plagued MIT’s electronic mail systems in the second half of July. Failures of the traditional IMAP and the new Microsoft Exchange mail systems caused large portions of campus e-mail to be unavailable for the better part of a day, followed by shorter and smaller outages last week.
Student Center Post Office Closed
The post office in the basement of the MIT Student Center has closed its doors for the summer, as of July 20. The post office is scheduled to reopen on Monday, Aug. 31.
Robbery at Tang Last Friday
On Friday July 31, an unidentified male assaulted and robbed a woman in the laundry room of Tang Hall, the MIT Police said in a crime bulletin distributed Monday.
Police Log
<i>The following incidents were reported to the Campus Police between May 29 and Jul 12. The dates below reflect the dates incidents occurred. This information is compiled from the Campus Police’s crime log. The report does not include alarms, general service calls, or incidents not reported to the dispatcher.</i>
Amnesty International Organizes Iran Forum
Reacting to recent violence against peaceful demonstrators in Iran, many MIT students have expressed their disapproval at the Iranian government — they have taken action in supporting the Iranians’ right to free speech and are mourning those who were killed.
NY Court Hears New Reports on Aafia Siddiqui’s Mental Health
To government psychiatrists, Aafia Siddiqui ’95 has been faking symptoms of mental illness, hoping to avoid a criminal trial on charges of trying to kill American soldiers and F.B.I. agents in Afghanistan.
Profs’ Summers Have Travel & Work
MIT professors spend their summers on European excursions, quiet New England retreats, and studies that encapsulate both work and play.
Senior Housemaster Selection Amiss D’Amelio in Drug Program W20 Barber Saga Continues
The selection for the new Senior House Housemasters has stalled as the MIT administration has spent months making a decision.
MIT Picower Institute Suffers From Madoff Losses
Since the Madoff scandal and the collapse of the Picower Foundation, the MIT Picower Institute for Learning and Memory has successfully continued its operations despite some sharp, unexpected loss of funding. Money for several high-risk, high-gain projects has vaporized.
Students Line the Charles For Independence Day Celebration
After the longest stretch of cloudy summer days in Boston since 1903, the long-awaited sun finally beamed down across the red-white-and-blue-adorned city and all of its Fourth of July festivities on Saturday. As part of the 36th annual July 4th Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular, an estimated 500,000 Bostonians, tourists, MIT students, and others gathered along the Boston Esplanade, around the Hatch Shell, and across the banks of the Charles for the nationally broadcast entertainment and patriotic fun.
Microsoft Exchange Is MIT’s New Email System
Beginning this summer, Information Systems and Technology has begun transitioning portions of the MIT e-mail system to Microsoft Exchange, as well as changing the way spam is handled.
Weather Holds Up for Ceremony, Class of 2009 Walks Last Friday
“Even in the bleakest places, young people crave a reason to hope,” Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick told more than 2,200 graduating students at last Friday’s Commencement ceremony.
ATO’s Newly-Relicensed House Is Set to House Six
The Cambridge License Commission (CLC) granted the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity a housing license on Thursday, June 4, though ATO continues to navigate the rocky waters of university fraternity bureaucracy.
BayTSP Labels MIT #1 in Digital Piracy; IS&T Disputes Claim
MIT is the leading university for digital piracy and related copyright infringements within the U.S. for a second time in a row, according to a 2008 report from BayTSP (published May, 2009).