Police Log
<i>The following incidents were reported to the Campus Police between May 1 and May 28. The dates below reflect the dates incidents occurred. This information is compiled from the Campus Police’s crime log. The report does not include alarms, general service calls, or incidents not reported to the dispatcher.</i>
Copyright Infringements Among International Universities
BayTSP’s 2008 rankings of media infringements measured among their client’s materials. MIT had 2,593 infringements, they said.
’07-08 Tute Disciplines Fewer; Eight Suspended
The Committee on Discipline heard fewer cases in 2007-8 than in the prior year, a decline driven by fewer charges of unauthorized access and academic misconduct.
Deval Patrick to Speak at Commencement
MIT’s 143rd Commencement exercises will take place this morning on Killian Court where more than 2,200 graduating students will receive about 2,600 degrees.
Sec. of Energy Chu Pushes For Greater Technology Research
U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu urged the need to pursue energy research in a spirit akin to that of the seminal AT&T Bell Laboratories in his address last month at MIT as part of the Karl Taylor Compton lecture series.
Plaque Shows Off Alum Smoot’s Contribution to Measurement
Fifty years and seven months after the colorful markings first appeared across the 2164.8 foot (or 364.4 Smoot) span of the Harvard bridge’s sidewalks, a new plaque “In Commemoration of the 50th Year of the Smoot” (and in Honor of Oliver R. Smoot ’62) debuted in a special ceremony yesterday afternoon. The plaque was embedded in a concrete base on the bridge at the southwest corner of Memorial Drive and Massachusetts Avenue.
News Briefs
MIT Medical’s nighttime urgent care service will be closed<b> </b>over the summer, along with Medical’s inpatient unit, due to low utilization and costs.
Undergraduate Association Finance Board Allocations for Summer/Fall 2009
Undergraduate Association Finance Board Allocations for Summer/Fall 2009
ATO Receives Housing License; Alcohol, Roof Access Restricted
Members of the Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) fraternity can soon come home. Yesterday afternoon, the Cambridge License Commission unanimously approved them for a long-sought housing license.
Large Event Fund (LEF) Allocations for July–Sept. 2009
Large Event Fund (LEF) Allocations for July–Sept. 2009
Graduate Student Dies After Fall From E19 Roof
Han D. Nguyen G was found Tuesday morning in the parking lot of Building E19, apparently having jumped from the roof of the building. Nguyen, age 25, was a third-year PhD student in marketing at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Student Life Fee Up $22 From Last Year
The Student Life Fee goes up to $272 next year, an increase of $22 (8.8 percent) from the previous year’s $250. All students pay this fee in order to support campus student services.
Six Masked Westgate Intruders Flee From Police, Still Unknown
Six masked men fled the Westgate Lowrise dormitory and escaped the MIT Police after a brief car chase on Monday, May 11.
UA Finance Board, ARCADE, LEF Allocate Funds
The Undergraduate Association Finance Board released its allocations for the Summer/Fall 2009 period on May 19.
Final Blue Ribbon Report Removes Some Unpalatable Recommendations
The final report of the Blue Ribbon Committee on Dining to MIT, dated May 11, 2009, recommends that the existing House Dining program be dismantled and replaced with a declining-balance program. But in the report, the committee says it does not recommend a mandatory meal plan for all students, charging students in dining hall dorms an “opt out fee” where they would pay to eat nothing, or turning the MacGregor Hall convenience store into a dining hall.
ARCADE (Assisting Recurring Cultural and Diversity Events) Allocations for July–Sept. 2009
ARCADE (Assisting Recurring Cultural and Diversity Events) Allocations for July–Sept. 2009