Half-term finals, vaccine forms, MIT awards
MIT community members living in Massachusetts should pre-register for COVID-19 vaccines and update their vaccine status at covidvaccine.mit.edu.
The sky weeps from midterm week
Although the weather here in Boston will bless us today with one more day of sunshine and ridiculously high temperatures, don’t expect it to last. Temperatures will start heading down towards the weekend and into next week, with showers Friday morning and Sunday afternoon. So, instead of waiting for your day off to go out... is taking that midterm outdoors really such a bad idea?
Graduate Student Council Advocacy Subcommittee presents recommendations for 2021–2022 stipend rates to Deans’ Council
The committee deemed these recommendations feasible and well-justified when combined with substantial optimism over “increased federal research funding and the outlook for returning to a new normal over the coming months.”
Faculty discuss climate action, credit limit, and underrepresented minority recruitment at March meeting
The CUP’s provisional recommendations for academic year 2022 are to make the fall credit 54 regular units plus six discovery units, to make the spring credit 60 regular units plus six discovery units, and to permanently end the practice of offering ESS
The cloak of racism
Just because it takes critical thinking to use language which adequately reaches for the truth, does not mean we should give up or sacrifice the right words for a sound bite or quick answer.
Petition for opt-in commencement ceremony is exclusive and misguided
There are students in the Class of 2021 who are unable to fly themselves or their families into Boston, whether because of international travel restrictions, financial circumstances, or being at high risk for COVID-19.
Cicadas used to live in my neighborhood
I remember that bad days fall like autumn leaves in magnificent waves of color as life learns to begin anew.