Massachusetts’ highest court to rule on MIT’s role in 2009 suicide
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court heard arguments Tuesday concerning whether MIT, along with two Sloan professors and an S3 dean, should be held responsible for the 2009 suicide of PhD student Han Nguyen G, a case which could have important repercussions for universities if the Institute is found to be at fault.
Students, faculty discuss hate crime prevention after swastika found in Simmons
Simmons residents found a swastika drawn in chalk on a fifth floor hallway wall Oct. 25. MIT campus police classified the incident as a hate crime.
Sexual assault reported at Sigma Chi
The MIT community received a “timely warning” email sent by MIT Police Oct. 20 describing the events of a reported sexual assault incident at the Sigma Chi fraternity house five days earlier. The victim reported that she had been assaulted in the basement bathroom of the house.
Half-term subjects, Urgent Care, dogs
The last day to add half-term subjects offered in second half of term is this Friday.
Campaign for A Better World breaks three quarters of $5 billion goal
The MIT Campaign for a Better World has received $3.6 billion in donations 17 months after its official launch in May 2016. It is 76 percent of the way toward its $5 billion goal.
New dorm to include 456 beds, hybrid dining program
The New Residences Working Group (NRWG), composed of eight students and staff members from the Division of Student Life and the Office of Campus Planning, met for the last time Sept. 20 to review the architectural plans for MIT’s new dormitory on Vassar Street.
Harvard sophomore runs for City Council with undergraduate-managed campaign
Nadya Okamoto, a Harvard University sophomore, will run in the Cambridge City Council election this Tuesday following a months-long campaign managed with support from MIT freshman Grace Chuan ’21.
New fraternity Theta Tau admitted to IFC on second attempt
The Interfraternity Council (IFC) admitted the MIT chapter of Theta Tau, a professional engineering fraternity, as a probationary member Oct. 12.
MIT Libraries launches initiative to revise government information storage laws
Members of the MIT community gathered for a discussion in 4-251 Oct. 19 with the aim of publishing a manifesto on the revision of Title 44 of the US Code, which governs the dissemination of government information. The event was co-organized by MIT Libraries and the Engineering Activism organization.
Cambridge City Council approves MIT’s petition for Volpe Center rezoning
MIT can now move forward with the first stages of its Volpe Transportation Center redevelopment project. It also broke ground on the first building being constructed under its Kendall Square Initiative capital project.
MIT Medical vaccinates more than 7000 at flu clinic
At least 7455 MIT community members received a flu vaccination at Tuesday’s day-long clinic run by MIT Medical.
Outbreak of viral disease hits campus
At least 30 cases of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD), a viral illness, have occurred on campus since September, according to MIT Medical.
Flu shots, lectures, Red Line
Flu shots will be available Oct. 24 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. in Walker Memorial.
LIGO makes its first observation of colliding neutron stars
Scientists announced Monday the first detection of gravitational waves from the collision of two neutron stars. Light from the collision was simultaneously observed by telescopes all around the world.
Graduate students rally for more on-campus housing
The student and community affiliate group Graduate Student Apartments Now (GSAN) held a rally in front of 77 Mass Ave and marched to Cambridge City Hall for an Ordinance Committee hearing on Oct. 12 to demand that MIT build new graduate housing units as a condition of the commercial redevelopment of MIT’s recently purchased Volpe parcel in Kendall Square.
Nightclub hosts tech startup showcase
Tech enthusiasts and nightclubs don’t go well together. But that didn’t stop GetGeeked from hosting its tech showcase at the Royale Nightclub in Boston on Oct. 13. Getting first-hand access to gadgets that haven’t been released in the market yet and meeting fellow technology lovers, all while sipping on delicious cocktails, seemed like a perfect way to spend a Friday night.
2.009 Build Challenge
The 2.009 build challenge took place Friday on Killian Court. Teams demonstrated their project progress.
Course 1-ENG now ABET-accredited
Course 1-ENG has a flexible curriculum that allows students to combine Course 1 foundational courses with one of three core subject areas: mechanics and materials, environmental engineering science, and systems.
One in ten MIT undergrads can’t afford food, survey finds
The survey focused on how students’ socioeconomic status affected other aspects of their lives, like affording certain expenses, major choice, and reasons for working.
PE registration, Red Line, TEDxCambridge
PE registration for undergraduates is open until Wednesday, October 18 at 1 p.m.