MacGregor, New House most popular FYRE destinations
MacGregor and New House overtook Simmons and Maseeh to become the most popular dorms to move into during FYRE.
#They Knew protesters rally against MIT’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein
After the program of scheduled speakers ended, members of the crowd were also invited to speak in an open mic session, and about thirty minutes later, the protest culminated with a march to Reif’s office, where protesters delivered their signs and continued to voice their dissatisfaction with the Institute’s administration.
Literature minor introduces new film track
At most two of the classes, still with film analysis as the primary focus, can be taken in a section outside of literature. These non-literature classes can comprise, but are not limited to, film-related courses in comparative media studies, anthropology, global studies and language, and women’s and gender studies.
Deputy Executive Vice President Tony Sharon to retire after 20 years of service
The Tech asked how fun life at MIT was out of 10. Sharon answered, “It was cyclical, but if I integrate over the curve I would say eight.” He added, “I wouldn’t have kept coming back if it was not fun.”
Final exam schedules, Career Fair, minor completion date
Final exam schedules have been posted on
IM sports, half-term add date, blood drive
Fees and deposits for intramural sports are due Friday, September 13.
Several dorms experience difficulties with new laundry system
Next House President Jessica Tang ’20 wrote, non-functioning dryers and the “shaky support for MIT TechCASH” have resulted in “a very frustrating and poor experience for Nexties.”
Eric Lander stands by denial of association with Epstein after photos surface
Lander wrote that he “briefly met” Epstein at two events in 2012 and did not meet with him again. Lander also wrote that he and the Broad have neither requested nor received any financial support from Epstein or his foundation.
5.111, 7.01x, 18.01A ASE pass rates increase
The 7.01x (Introductory Biology) ASE maintained its high pass rate from last year. Of the 137 students taking the exam, 66.4 percent passed, compared to 151 participants and a pass rate of 65.6 percent from last year.
Media Lab Cofounder Nicholas Negroponte defends Joi Ito
Negroponte defended Ito in accepting Epstein’s money, telling the Globe that he said to Ito that Ito should take Epstein’s contribution and he “would say that again based on what we knew at the time.”
DSL launches new pick-a-lunch pilot program
Students are able to use a meal swipe to pay for their choice of one entrée, two sides, and a drink.
Sixty percent or higher on math diagnostic is required to pass out of 18.01
“We found historically that some students who received a ‘5’ on the Calculus BC exam did not have a strong grip on the fundamentals — especially of pre-calculus material (algebra, logs, trigs, etc.) — to do as well as we would like in MIT subjects,” Barbara Peskin PhD ’90, academic administrator of the mathematics department, wrote in an email to The Tech.
Media Lab Director Joi Ito resigns after efforts to hide his ties with Epstein are revealed
“After giving the matter a great deal of thought, I have chosen to resign as Director of the Media Lab and as a Professor and employee of the Institute, effective immediately,” Ito wrote in an email to Media Lab members obtained by The Tech.
Fall registration, physical education classes
The deadline to submit Fall 2019 registration is Sept. 6. There is a $50 late fee.
Work of the Future Task Force report calls attention to exacerbated inequality due to technology
The report said that the challenge we currently face and are likely to face in the near future is not too few jobs, but rather the quality of those jobs and how accessible those jobs are to less-educated people.
Global Studies and Languages faculty reassigned to other HASS departments
GSL classes currently taught by lecturers should not change, according to SHASS Dean Melissa Nobles.
MIT graduate Burhan Azeem runs for Cambridge City Council
Azeem: "The biggest thing for me was that MIT gives you space. For four years, there's nothing you strictly have to do, and so you have a lot of breathing space to figure out how you want to do things."
PE classes, formal recruitment, Labor Day
Undergraduate registration for physical education is 8 a.m. Friday, Aug. 30.
SHASS introduces Computing and Society concentration
“The goal of the concentration is to help students gain a greater understanding of how changes in computational power have refashioned fundamental questions about community, identity, democracy, and knowledge itself,” Karen Gardner, academic administrator of Science, Technology, and Society (STS), wrote.
Students required to order books from Coop online
The Coop will continue to carry apparel, accessories, gifts, and some books at its physical location.