New Vassar Street Residence Founder’s Group to ‘lay foundation’ for new dorm’s character, government
New Vassar will include a marketplace, community kitchen, dining hall, and makerspace.
PE registration, Wellness Fair, Columbus Day
Undergraduate registration for 2nd quarter PE classes is now open.
North Court renamed after Susan Hockfield
As the Institute’s first female and first life scientist president, Hockfield oversaw the expansion of East Campus and Kendall Square, launched the MIT Energy Initiative and helped establish the David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science and the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard.
Green Building to undergo renovations
After the renovations, the Green Building will also house the Environmental Solutions Initiative and the MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program.
Flu shots, add date, half-term drop date
A flu shot clinic will be happening today 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Walker Memorial.
Proposed federal rules threaten graduate student unionization
While there have been initiatives for MIT graduate students to unionize — a survey conducted in January 2019 found that over 60 percent of graduate students support unionization — the official policy platform of the MIT Graduate Student Council does not include a stance on graduate student unionization.
Overnight utility work starts outside Edgerton House
Because the construction is independent of MIT operations, there is little Housing and Residential Services (HRS) and the Division of Student Life can do other than advocating for Edgerton’s residents.
Media Lab faculty V. Michael Bove Jr. terminated by MIT
Bove was terminated from employment last week, following the determination that he violated MIT’s sexual harassment policy.
Josh Tenenbaum receives MacArthur Fellowship
Tenebaum's advice is to "take the opportunity to learn from different kinds of people of different ages, especially from the older faculty or people who take approaches from different areas of science."
Student forum about MIT-Epstein relations held with Reif, senior admin present
"I believe that together, we can find a way to transform so much pain for so many people into some enduring good for MIT,” Reif said at the student forum Tuesday.
Flu shots, add date, half-term drop date
There will be a flu shot clinic from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Walker Memorial on Oct. 3. All MIT Medical patients, and all employees, students, affiliates, and retirees are eligible.
Goodwin Procter investigation discovers letter signed by President Reif
Law firm Goodwin Procter, which is investigating MIT’s financial ties to Jeffrey Epstein, has discovered a “standard acknowledgment letter” signed by President L. Rafael Reif August 2012 thanking Epstein for a donation to Professor Seth Lloyd. Reif disclosed the findings in an email to the MIT community Sept. 12 about Goodwin Procter’s “preliminary fact-finding.”
Tobie Weiner retires after 34 years at MIT
Tobie Weiner, undergraduate administrator for political science, retired recently after 34 years at the Institute. The Tech spoke with Weiner in a phone interview about her career in MIT’s political science department.
MIT settles Fidelity lawsuit
According to a Sept. 4 district court order, MIT reorganized its offerings of 401(k) investment options, removing hundreds of funds July 15. MIT’s supplemental 401(k) plan is managed by Fidelity, the recordkeeper and investment manager responsible for choosing and tracking MIT’s funds.
Changes planned to Commencement starting 2020
The administration is planning to change the structure of the 2020 Commencement ceremony, likely in the form of a short ceremony for all students followed by separate degree awarding ceremonies. The changes aim to address issues such as the lack of space in Killian Court and the extensive length of the ceremony.
Anne Hunter retires after 37 years as EECS undergraduate academic administrator
Hunter: I think the greatest challenge has been getting all the work done while counseling all the students who needed me to talk to them and explain things to them. They’re sort of two pulls: talking to students versus getting all the administrative stuff done.
Hundreds gather to march in Global Climate Strike
Participants held signs reading “You Lie = I Die,” “Break free from fossil fuels,” “Climate Action Now,” and “Greta gets it.”
President Reif addresses ties between MIT and Epstein at faculty meeting
“There were many assumptions mentioned today. I don’t blame you for the assumptions you made. I want to beg you, honest to goodness, wait a little longer," Reif said.
Richard Stallman resigns from MIT after facing backlash over Minsky comments
Stallman wrote, “We can imagine many scenarios, but the most plausible scenario is that she [Giuffre] presented herself to him as entirely willing.”
Dorms implement new room assignment procedures
The administration is working on gathering “quantitative data” and “qualitative feedback” on how these new rooming procedures were implemented