Prosecutor: Siddiqui Faked Mental Illness
A federal prosecutor in Manhattan said on Thursday that two government psychiatrists had concluded that a Pakistani neuroscientist charged with trying to kill U.S. soldiers and FBI agents in Afghanistan had been faking her symptoms of mental illness.
Bennie and Delano Want to Improve UA Communication and Transparency
Many of the items on the agenda of Undergraduate Association president-elect Michael A. Bennie ‘10 and vice president-elect Margaret K. Delano focus on improving UA transparency and fostering communication between students and the administration. <i>The Tech</i> sat down with Bennie and Delano to discuss their plans for office.
Bennie, Delano Elected UA President, VP
Michael A. Bennie ’10 and Margaret K. Delano ’10 were elected Undergraduate Association president and vice-president, respectively, in a landslide victory last week. Bennie and Delano garnered 919 first-place votes, nearly tripling the first-place vote count of runners-up Ryan W. Jackson ’10 and Thomas W. Hay ’10.
GSC To Hold Elections for 2009–2010 Officers
The following are excerpts from the platforms of each candidate in the 2009 2010 Graduate Student Council elections. There are currently no nominations for the position of secretary. The new officers will be elected during the GSC’s April General Council Meeting tomorrow, April 1, at 5:30 p.m. in Room 50-220. Additional nominations may be accepted during the meeting, but only current members of the GSC are eligible to vote. For each candidate’s full platform and for more information about the election, visit the GSC election website at <i></i>.
Single-Stream Recycling To Be in All Dorms by April
Single-stream recycling will be operational in all dormitories by the end of April, according to MIT Facilities supervisor Jarrod V. Jones Sr.
Ten Percent Admitted to Class of 2013
In the wake of a 17 percent increase in applications, MIT’s admit rate plummeted to a record low 10 percent this year. Only 1,597 students out of 15,661 applicants were admitted to the class of 2013. Forty-eight percent are women and nearly a quarter are underrepresented minorities in an admitted class that spans all fifty states and sixty foreign countries.
MIT Will Publish All Faculty Articles Free In Online Repository
Faculty voted unanimously this week to approve a resolution that allows MIT to freely and publicly distribute research articles they write. MIT plans to create a repository to make these articles available online.
Thanks to Obama Bill, Birth Control Pill May Get Cheaper at MIT Medical
President Obama signed a bill last week that will likely reduce the price of contraceptives for college pharmacies.
MIT ROTC Students Train to Be Leaders In Both the Military and Civilian Worlds
The Combat Water Survival Test is a training exercise for MIT’s Army Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets that includes a three-meter blind drop, an equipment ditch, where cadets must jump in and remove all their tangled equipment before surfacing, and a 15-meter swim in a heavy uniform while holding a dummy rifle aloft.
Suspects Identified in Two Recent Robberies; Another Robbery Reported Near Campus This Week
Law enforcement has identified suspects in two recent robberies on or near the MIT campus.
Two Police Officers Suspended for Recycling 300 Copies of ‘The Tech’
The MIT Police have been hit hard by the arrest of one of their own, officer Joseph D’Amelio, who was apprehended on Saturday in East Boston with more than 800 tablets containing oxycodone, and $16,000 in cash. D’Amelio has been charged with drug trafficking and is in jail on $500,000 bail.
State Colleges Balance Budget Cuts with Missions
When Michael Crow became president of Arizona State University seven years ago, he promised to make it “The New American University,” with 100,000 students by 2020.
Commitment: The New Factor At Play in College Admissions
Like wary suitors, colleges are searching for signs of commitment from applicants before they extend admissions offers, hoping to find out whether their affection is mutual.
Grad Student Stipends Increase 3.4%
MIT announced last Friday that graduate student stipends will increase by 3.4 percent next year. The decision followed a meeting in Feb. among the Graduate Student Council (GSC), the provost, and the deans of the schools.
Undergraduate Admissions Numbers Through the Years
Undergraduate Admissions Numbers Through the Years