Video: Solar-Powered Subway Car Hack
MIT Hackers put a Boston MBTA Red-Line-style subway car on the wall around MIT's Great Dome on April 27, 2009, and it was solar powered. On April 28, 2009, with a large crowd watching and cheering, the subway car started moving.
Police Review Panel Begins to Meet
The panel charged with reviewing Campus Police policy in response to the Joseph D’Amelio arrest and firing met for the first time last Friday, according to Dean for Student Life Chris Colombo, who sits on the panel.
Swine Flu Q&A
<b>¶ I feel sick. Should I go to Medical? </b>Yes. Especially if you think you might have influenza, you should call the Medical Department for an appointment (617-253-4481). If none are available, you will be directed to MIT Medical’s urgent care (open 24 hours a day, free for students).
Sloan Sales Conference: Panels & Talks Mean Business
It was Friday, April 17, and by the time I left my final class of the day, Campus Preview Weekend was already in full swing. Making my way down the prefrosh-packed Infinite, I had something far different planned for the afternoon than CPW. I was headed down Memorial Drive to the Hyatt Regency, where the 3rd annual MIT Sloan Sales Conference was attracting a crowd of businessmen from prospective entrepreneurs to some of the top sales experts in the nation.
Highlights of the Dining Reports
¶ For students living in dorms with dining halls, the administration’s Blue Ribbon Committee would require either a $600 declining-balance plan or payment of a $500 opt-out penalty. The UA’s Dining Proposal Committee proposes a mandatory $300 declining-balance plan for those students.
Sophomore Lives Dream To Run Boston Marathon
“All of a sudden you hear a buzz and it gets louder, and as you turn onto Route 16, the buzz turns into a roar of sound,” said Melissa Gymrek ’11, recalling what she heard after mile ten of the Boston Marathon.
MIT Medical Is Prepared in Case of Swine Flu Outbreak
MIT’s emergency planning arm is prepared to handle an outbreak of the swine flu, although administrators say they expect the disease to manifest less like a pandemic and more like a tough flu season.
BRC, DPC Release Separate Draft Dining Reports
Draft proposals describing the future of dining at MIT have been released for public review by both the student-run Dining Proposal Committee and the Blue Ribbon Institute Committee.
BC ‘Dance Till You Drop’ Stunt Fizzles Out
On Friday morning, a dormitory hall’s publicity stunt bombed.<br> The Cambridge Bomb Squad responded to a heavy concrete block painted to look like a cartoon bomb, advertising the annual Dance Till You Drop party held by the Burton Third Bombers.
Cambridge Bomb Squad Inspects Burton Third’s Concrete ‘Bomb’
On Friday morning, a dormitory hall’s publicity stunt bombed.<br> The Cambridge Bomb Squad responded to a heavy concrete block painted to look like a cartoon bomb, advertising the annual Dance Till You Drop party held by the Burton Third Bombers.
Burton Third Bombers’ Statement
We, the students of Burton Third, wish to issue a sincere and full apology for the events of the morning of April 24, 2009, for which we accept full responsibility. We understand that our actions have resulted in significant havoc for the Spring Weekend Committee, MIT Police, and community of Cambridge, and we regret wholly our failure to anticipate such an outcome. The offending object (a large concrete and sand “bomb,” modeled after the floor insignia and painted with the letters “DTYD XL” in black and orange) was created solely as a Hack to advertise an event to be held the same night. We did not intend to convey any threat or danger to the community. We pledge our full cooperation to the MIT police and administration to address any concerns pertaining to this issue.
MIT Avoids Norovirus; Campus Police Conduct Routine ‘Well-Being Checks’
<i>This occasional feature follows up on news stories long past their prime. In this edition: a contagious stomach bug misses the Institute but strikes close to home for one campus leader; don’t be alarmed if the police come knocking — they might just be checking that you’re OK; and a Walker Memorial bathroom has now been getting the same anti-gay graffiti for five years.</i>
Pistol & Gymnastics Among Eight Varsity Sports To Be Slashed
Eight of MIT’s 41 varsity sports will be cut at the end of the academic year — alpine skiing, golf, men’s and women’s gymnastics, men’s and women’s ice hockey, pistol, and wrestling.
2.007 Prof Gets Big Screw
Prof. Daniel D. Frey PhD ’97 received the Institute Screw on Wednesday afternoon, with $1128.51 in proceeds from the fundraiser going towards the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation.
Annual Baker House Piano Drop Commemorates Spring Drop Date
A 500 pound piano played its last song yesterday evening after it was launched off Baker House’s roof during the annual Piano Drop, which commemorates the spring term deadline for dropping classes.
News Briefs
MIT will offer an energy minor this fall, pending faculty vote on a interdisciplinary council to govern the new minor. The energy minor will require six subjects, including one in each of three categories: energy science, the social science of energy, and energy technology and engineering.