Man arrested for rape in Building 2 Tuesday morning
A man was arrested early Tuesday morning on campus and charged with two counts of rape and one count of trespassing.
Assault in Building 2
A man was arrested early Tuesday morning on campus and charged with rape and trespassing.
Bias found to be a persistent hurdle for women pursuing careers in science
A report on the underrepresentation of women in science and math by the American Association of University Women, released Monday March 22, found that although women have made gains, stereotypes and cultural biases still impede their success.
After health bill, a push to curb costs
Though the effects of the health reform bill have yet to be felt, the passage of the bill shined a hard light on health care inequities and runaway medical costs. Professors, and staff at MIT Medical are already preparing for the bill’s consequences by conducting new research and looking for new ways to fix health care inefficiencies.
Large Event Fund Allocation, April to May 2010
The Large Event Fund (LEF) sponsors large, social events (larger than 150 people) on campus that are open to everyone in the MIT Community. Over four funding cycles over the academic year, the LEF gives out approximately $100,000. Source: MIT Association of Student Activities
INTERVIEW Leland Cheung’s plan for Cambridge
Leland Cheung, an MBA/MPA student at MIT Sloan School of Business and Harvard Kennedy School of Government, was elected to the nine-member Cambridge City Council in November last year and is currently serving a two year term. In addition to being the first student to be elected to a seat on the council, Cheung is also the council’s first Asian-American member.
A brief last Tuesday incorrectly stated that U.S. Census forms must returned via mail by April 1 (National Census Day) for all students, or students will be subject to a $100 fine. Instead, students residing in dorms and FSILGs should return forms to Residential Advisers or House Managers by Monday April 5. Students residing in dorms or FSILGs should obtain census forms from their RAs or house managers, whose information can be found at: <i></i>.
ARCADE Allocations, April to May 2010
The Assisting Recurring Cultural and Diversity Events (ARCADE) fund is managed by a committee of representatives from the Assocation of Student Activities, Undergraduate Association, Graduate Student Council, and the Campus Committee on Race Relations. ARCADE supports recurring diversity events on the MIT Campus. Source: Association of Student Activities
REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK Prefrosh in Providence
Last Thursday, I found myself standing in the same hotel as I had been two years prior when I was accepted to MIT. It was at the Radisson Providence Harbor Hotel in Rhode Island, where the MIT Club of Rhode Island has been hosting its prospective freshmen dinner since 2007.
Breast cancer genes can’t be patented, judge rules
A federal judge on Monday struck down patents on two genes linked to breast and ovarian cancer. The decision, if upheld, could throw into doubt the patents covering thousands of human genes and reshape the law of intellectual property
Penny Arcade comes to town
“My gravy trainnnnnn!” exclaimed Jerry Holkins, co-creator of Penny Arcade after losing an arm-wrestling match to co-creator Mike Krahulik at a Q&A session at the Penny Arcade Exposition last weekend.
Modi & Wyman take UA top spots in landslide win
Vrajesh Y. Modi ’11 and Samantha “Sammi” G. Wyman ’11 were elected as Undergraduate Association President and Vice President, receiving over 80 percent of votes in the spring election.
Census forms distributed to living groups this week
Students who live on campus or in a FSILG will receive a census form this week. The census must be filled out as soon as it arrives and mailed back by National Census Day, April 1, 2010. Anyone who does not complete the census form will be fined $100 by the Federal Government, and MIT is legally obligated to provide directory information on them to Census officials, who will visit to ensure completion of the form.
New EPA scrutiny of plastic chemical
The Environmental Protection Agency plans to add bisphenol-A, or BPA, a plastic widely used in food packaging and plastic bottles, to its list of chemicals of concern because of potential adverse impacts on the environment and human and animal health.
A Friday, March 19 article about torrential rains incorrectly stated that residents of East Campus wrapped their basement smoke detectors in plastic bags to keep the alarms from going off. MIT Facilities wrapped the smoke detectors, to keep moisture out of electrical connections, not to prevent steam from setting off the alarm.
Modi and Wyman win UA election
Vrajesh Y. Modi ’11 has been elected as UA President and Samantha G. Wyman ‘11 as UA Vice President. The pair received over 80 percent of the votes. The UA Elections results were released at 2 p.m. on Saturday March 20. A total of 1,686, or about 40 percent of students, participated in the election. To find out more information regarding the UA Election results, visit <i></i><i>l</i><i>.</i>
NW35, EC, and Next House are open for summer
East Campus, Next House, and the Phoenix Group section of Ashdown will be the only three dorms open to undergraduate students over the sumer, Dean for Student Life Chris Colombo announced in an e-mail yesterday.
Storm floods dorms
After heavy winds and unrelenting rain this past weekend, several residential and academic buildings on campus had leaks.