
UA Finboard Releases Summer/Fall 2010 Funding Results

Group Req.






















Active Minds at MIT $900 $600 $1,700 $200 $2,600 $800 31%
African Students Association $4,932 $1,800 $338 $200 $5,270 $2,000 38%
Alpha Phi Omega $200 $200 $200 $200 100%
Alternative Spring Break $50 $50 $195 $195 $30 $30 $275 $275 100%
MIT American Medical Students’ Association $300 $1,225 $600 $60 $60 $1,585 $660 42%
American Red Cross Team and Network $1,324 $1,324 $90 $70 $1,460 $660 $132 $132 $3,006 $2,186 73%
Anime Club, MIT $2,200 $700 $740 $740 $202 $202 $3,142 $1,642 52%
Asian American Association $200 $100 $100 $100 $1,530 $1,460 $200 $200 $2,030 $1,860 92%
Asian Baptist Student Koinonia $550 $220 $830 $580 $175 $150 $1,555 $950 61%
Asian Christian Fellowship $500 $180 $220 $200 $200 $125 $25 $1,045 $405 39%
MIT Assassins’ Guild $380 $380 $295 $120 $900 $900 $230 $230 $1,805 $1,630 90%
Association of International Relations and Model United Nations $945 $1,150 $400 $390 $100 $2,485 $500 20%
Association of Puerto Rican Students $300 $365 $170 $6,335 $2,000 $78 $78 $7,078 $2,248 32%
Association of Taiwanese Students $235 $160 $2,240 $2,010 $100 $100 $2,575 $2,270 88%
Asymptones $100 $50 $100 $50 50%
Baptist Student Fellowship $750 $350 $50 $50 $800 $400 50%
Best Buddies $320 $320 $80 $80 $400 $400 100%
MIT Bhangra $3,850 $950 $425 $250 $4,275 $1,200 28%
Biological Engineering - Biomedical Engineering Society (BE-BMES) $1,625 $1,350 $345 $170 $1,970 $1,520 77%
Black Students’ Union $2,950 $2,000 $180 $180 $3,130 $2,180 70%
Black Women’s Alliance $3,075 $1,800 $250 $250 $3,325 $2,050 62%
Brain and Cognitive Sciences Society $544 $444 $6 $6 $550 $450 82%
Brain Trust $55 $55 $1,257 $1,227 $108 $108 $1,420 $1,390 98%
Campus Crusade for Christ $860 $2,800 $1,400 $210 $80 $3,870 $1,480 38%
Campus Crusade for Cthulhu, MIT $200 $200 $675 $675 $150 $150 $1,025 $1,025 100%
MIT Casino Rueda Group $850 $850 $275 $75 $440 $440 $50 $50 $1,615 $1,415 88%
Caving Club $675 $675 $1,449 $390 $250 $250 $40 $40 $2,414 $1,355 56%
MIT Chamak $185 $195 $330 $250 $60 $30 $575 $475 83%
MIT Chess Club $230 $230 $280 $150 $510 $380 75%
China Care $554 $1,800 $750 $100 $100 $2,454 $850 35%
MIT Chinese Ensemble $147 $147 $230 $170 $50 $50 $427 $367 86%
Chinese Students’ Club $270 $100 $560 $360 $10,380 $1,700 $200 $200 $11,410 $2,360 21%
The Chorallaries of MIT $1,000 $150 $150 $150 $1,150 $300 26%
Colleges Against Cancer $350 $350 $30 $30 $380 $380 100%
Concert Band $200 $200 $1,100 $1,100 $700 $400 $215 $215 $2,215 $1,915 86%
Cross Products $105 $105 $70 $70 $104 $105 $279 $280 100%
Curling Club $300 $300 $150 $150 $20 $20 $470 $470 100%
Dance Troupe $1,000 $250 $2,000 $2,000 $400 $200 $3,400 $2,450 72%
MIT Debate Team $3,100 $1,500 $3,100 $1,500 48%
MIT-EMS $460 $150 $900 $100 $1,000 $150 $630 $400 $2,990 $800 27%
Engineers Without Borders - MIT $250 $250 $500 $500 $345 $200 $1,095 $950 87%
MIT Fillipino Students Association $1,750 $1,100 $50 $50 $1,800 $1,150 64%
GaMIT $1,150 $950 $35 $35 $1,185 $985 83%
Gilbert and Sullivan Players $1,000 $300 $480 $480 $1,480 $780 53%
Global Poverty Initiative $820 $820 $150 $150 $970 $970 100%
MIT Go Club $200 $200 $225 $180 $155 $155 $580 $535 92%
MIT Gospel Choir $1,260 $300 $50 $1,965 $1,315 $270 $270 $3,545 $1,885 53%
Habitat for Humanity $2,800 $1,000 $2,270 $300 $300 $5,370 $1,300 24%
MIT Hapa $1,150 $1,150 $20 $20 $1,170 $1,170 100%
MIT Hawaii Club $560 $300 $100 $100 $1,000 $800 $200 $1,660 $1,400 84%
MIT Hillel $650 $450 $475 $4,505 $325 $150 $5,955 $600 10%
Hindu Students Council $125 $100 $90 $40 $1,925 $1,500 $205 $205 $2,345 $1,845 79%
Hong Kong Student Society $1,150 $950 $100 $100 $1,250 $1,050 84%
Imobilare $150 $150 $50 $50 $200 $200 100%
Komaza $2,300 $2,300 $2,300 $2,300 100%
Korean Students’ Association $60 $300 $100 $1,700 $600 $250 $250 $2,310 $950 41%
La Union Por Chicano Atzlan $950 $750 $1,070 $800 $130 $130 $2,150 $1,680 78%
Lab for Chocolate Science $200 $200 $1,050 $650 $50 $50 $1,300 $900 69%
LDSSA (Latter-Day Saint Student Association) $120 $120 $528 $528 $100 $100 $748 $748 100%
Lecture Series Committee $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 100%
MIT Lion Dance Club $10 $10 $10 $10 $350 $350 $5 $5 $375 $375 100%
MIT Live Music Connection $720 $720 $350 $300 $1,070 $1,020 95%
MIT Logarhythms $500 $500 $180 $180 $1,100 $150 $203 $203 $1,983 $1,033 52%
MAES $85 $1,623 $528 $150 $150 $1,858 $678 36%
MIT Marching Band $100 $100 $375 $225 $70 $70 $545 $395 72%
MentorConnection $450 $900 $300 $50 $50 $950 $800 84%
mitBEEF $400 $100 $1,450 $1,200 $150 $150 $2,000 $1,450 73%
MITraas $650 $1,565 $80 $2,295 0%
Mocha Moves $170 $170 $502 $452 $100 $100 $772 $722 94%
Movements in Time $400 $30 $30 $430 $30 7%
Mujeres Latinas $150 $150 $2,375 $1,500 $250 $225 $2,775 $1,875 68%
MIT Muses $100 $100 $1,000 $350 $150 $100 $100 $1,550 $350 23%
Musical Theatre Guild $1,058 $818 $1,800 $1,100 $2,858 $1,918 67%
National Society of Black Engineers $500 $500 $1,810 $1,310 $70 $70 $2,380 $1,880 79%
National Society of Collegiate Scholars $204 $54 $1,215 $1,473 0%
MIT Natya $825 $825 $100 $100 $925 $925 100%
Network of Sloan Undergraduate Women $1,210 $960 $390 $390 $1,600 $1,350 84%
Nigerian Students Association $600 $600 $100 $100 $700 $700 100%
NOBCChE-MIT $2,025 $400 $70 $70 $2,095 $470 22%
Oori $300 $300 $300 $300 100%
OrigaMIT $150 $150 $129 $129 $335 $335 $30 $30 $644 $644 100%
PaksMIT $2,210 $650 $180 $100 $2,390 $750 31%
Pershing Rifles $300 $300 $895 $605 $1,195 $905 76%
MIT Pro Life $180 $140 $273 $63 $453 $203 45%
MIT Quidditch Team $200 $200 $530 $250 $400 $400 $75 $75 $1,205 $925 77%
RecycleMania $500 $200 $200 $200 $700 $400 57%
Resonance $20 $20 $1,200 $350 $850 $150 $2,070 $520 25%
Ridonkulous $905 $300 $1,000 $175 $2,380 0%
Science Fiction Society, MIT $3,000 $1,000 $3,000 $1,000 33%
SEALNet@MIT $349 $110 $778 $778 $70 $70 $1,197 $958 80%
Shakespeare Ensemble $940 $240 $400 $400 $50 $50 $1,390 $690 50%
Sloan Undergraduate Management Association $30 $130 $130 $1,600 $1,000 $240 $240 $2,000 $1,370 69%
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers $700 $500 $130 $30 $830 $530 64%
South Asian American Students $45 $45 $1,835 $1,035 $245 $230 $2,125 $1,310 62%
Stand Up Comedy Club $350 $200 $290 $290 $50 $50 $690 $540 78%
Strategic Games Society $200 $200 $150 $150 $10 $5 $360 $355 99%
Student Juggling Club $265 $75 $75 $25 $25 $365 $100 27%
MITSI - MIT Students for Israel $1,700 $100 $1,800 0%
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space $400 $400 $200 $200 $700 $500 $100 $100 $1,400 $1,200 86%
Sustainability@MIT $900 $5,500 $500 $100 $100 $6,500 $600 9%
MIT Swara $3,300 $1,500 $300 $200 $3,600 $1,700 47%
MIT Syncopasian $35 $35 $45 $45 $500 $250 $180 $180 $760 $510 67%
Techiya $45 $60 $50 $300 $455 0%
Toons $500 $500 $600 $400 $470 $270 $1,570 $1,170 75%
MIT Traditional Medicine Society $820 $515 $1,335 0%
MIT Undergraduate Biochemistry Association $680 $680 $60 $60 $740 $740 100%
MIT Undergraduate Research Journal $2,000 $2,000 $200 $200 $400 $250 $2,600 $2,450 94%
United Christian Fellowship $110 $110 $50 $50 $410 $45 $45 $410 $615 $615 100%
University Alliance for Essential Medicine $100 $240 $2,200 $200 $2,740 0%
Vietnamese Students Association $70 $25 $1,095 $1,095 $40 $40 $1,230 $1,135 92%
Voo Doo $200 $1,750 $1,750 $1,950 $1,750 90%
Western Hemisphere Project $100 $510 $510 $150 $150 $760 $660 87%
Music groups x 250 (10) $2500 $2500
TOTAL $209,301 $109,467