Join MIT Commuter Connections for Bike Awareness Day 2014 on Wednesday, May 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the steps of the Student Center. Register your bike with MIT Parking and Transportation. You can also participate in the Mass Commuter Challenge to get free giveaways, including helmets, leg bands, lights, and popcorn.
MIT Professor Lazarus researched solar wind
Editor’s Note: John Belcher, an MIT physics professor, was a close colleague of Alan Lazarus. Marianne Lazarus, the wife of Alan Lazarus, and his daughter, Julia, contributed to this obituary.
Four MIT faculty elected to the National Academy of Sciences
Four MIT professors are among the 84 members newly elected to the National Academy of Sciences this year, according to an MIT News Office press release. The new members, announced Tuesday, are economics professor Daron Acemoglu, brain and cognitive sciences professor Emery Brown, biology professor Alan Grossman, and Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences professor Timothy Grove.
Institute announces final design for new nanotech laboratory
Starting in spring 2018, MIT nanotechnology researchers will no longer have to go to Harvard to find suitable lab equipment. On Tuesday, MIT announced that it has committed $350 million to the construction of a new state-of-the-art nanoscale research facility.
The print version of an article in the Tuesday, April 29 issue of The Tech incorrectly suggests that Professor Simon Johnson is involved with Rubin and Elitzer’s project.
Six Mass. colleges scrutinized for sexual assault case handling
In an unprecedented move, the U.S. Department of Education released a list Thursday of 55 colleges across the country — including six in Massachusetts — facing federal investigations into their handling of sexual assault and harassment complaints.
6.00 to be replaced by new 6.0001 and 6.0002
Two new classes will be introduced during the 2014-2015 academic year that will replace 6.00 (Introduction to Computer Science and Programming) and cover its entire curriculum. 6.00 is currently required for Course 9 and Course 20 majors.
An article about Phi Sig’s JudComm hearings in the Friday, April 25 issue of The Tech is clarified to state that Evan Tencer did not speak on behalf of the IFC. IFC president Haldun Anil does not endorse Tencer’s statements.
Pair raises $500K, preparing to rain bitcoins on undergrads
Donors have committed to give $100 in bitcoin to each of MIT's about 4,500 undergraduates this fall. Jeremy L. Rubin '16 and Daniel B. Elitzer, a first-year Sloan MBA student, are spearheading the project, which they hope will sow the seeds of an innovative bitcoin 'ecosystem' at MIT.
Five MIT students win more than a quarter million dollars each through Hertz Fellowship
On April 17, the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation announced the fifteen 2014 Hertz Fellows in the applied physical, biological, and engineering sciences. Of the fifteen Hertz Fellowship recipients, five are MIT students: Ian McKay ’12, Elizabeth Y. Qian ’14, Andrew J. Rzeznik G, Katharine Schutz ’14, and Asmamaw T. Wassie G. The fifteen fellows were selected from a pool of nearly 800 applicants.
Where were you during the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings? “Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive” will be at MIT today and tomorrow to collect stories from the MIT community. Our Marathon will provide an overview of the project today from 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. in 32-144. Stop by the Bush Room (10-105) tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to share your story.
Prof. unveils design for new tribute to Officer Sean Collier
A year after MIT Police Officer Sean Collier was allegedly shot and killed by the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, MIT unveiled its plans for a permanent memorial to him. Architecture Professor J. Meejin Yoon revealed her design at last Friday’s ceremony of remembrance for Collier.
GSC group: make ‘high-impact’ Somerville shuttle permanent
The Somerville Saferide Shuttle has proven to be a “high-impact line,” according to a report from the Graduate Student Council Transportation Subcommittee, which assessed the Fall 2013 trial program of a new Saferide route in Somerville and East Cambridge.
Still no word on causes of 2 grad student deaths
MIT announced the death of Eliana F. Hechter, a first-year medical student at Harvard and MIT’s joint Health Sciences and Technology program, last Friday.
Since the implementation of the Institute’s open-access policy in 2009, more than 11,000 articles have been posted on DSpace, MIT’s online archive of research. These represent 37 percent of the total number of papers published by the MIT faculty in that period.
An article last Friday about the MIT Strong team incorrectly stated that all team members were asked to raise $1,000. This was true of runners who joined the team with bibs not obtained through MIT, but those who received bibs through MIT were asked to raise $4,000.
Second Phi Sig JudComm hearing followed failed alcohol inspections
MIT fraternity Phi Sigma Kappa faced its second hearing with the Judicial Committee (JudComm) of the Interfraternity Council this academic year after reportedly violating sanctions imposed in a hearing last fall, former JudComm Chair Evan Tencer ’15 said in an interview with The Tech.
A year after the Boston bombings, a day of tribute
BOSTON - It may be one of the biggest cities in the country, but Boston was a small town on Tuesday as it mourned the losses it suffered in mayhem a year ago and as it honored the sense of community that emerged from the ashes.