

The first day of fall classes is tomorrow!

Today is Registration Day. Students must meet with their advisors to confirm their class selections for the fall term and submit their registration by Friday, Sept. 5. Today is also the deadline to change a spring term exploratory subject to listener status.

Second-term juniors and final-term seniors must submit the HASS Concentration Proposal form by Friday, September 5. Those who do not do so by this date must pay a $50 late fee.

Students should update their CI-H/HW waitlist choices on WebSIS before classes begin tomorrow. This fall is the first time that a waitlist system is being used. Instructors can begin making offers from waitlists on Wednesday at 6 a.m.

The MIT Public Service Center is hosting a Service Fair on Wednesday, September 3 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. outside of Kresge. This fair is for students, faculty, and staff to learn about local nonprofits and volunteer opportunities. There will be about 20 organizations in attendance ranging from STEM education to a homeless shelter.

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