NIH director speaks on budget trade-offs, science outreach, and Ebola vaccines
Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, gave the annual Karl Taylor Compton Lecture in Room 10-250 last Tuesday.
An article about quiet spaces on campus in the Tuesday, Oct. 28 issue of The Tech incorrectly stated that the Hayden and Lewis libraries were located in E14; they are actually in 14E.
Fifth week flags issued to over 15 percent of freshmen
This semester 171 freshmen received emails from their professors issuing them a fifth week flag to warn them of poor performance in the class. Approximately 16.4 percent of the 2018 class received flags this fall, much lower than the average number of flags per year received over the last decade.
In a web update published at 2 p.m. on Oct. 27 on The Tech website, the following quote “sexual assault and rape happen because men can get carried away in sexual assaults once they’ve started” was misquoted and should read: “...sexual situations once they’ve started.”
MIT administration takes precautions for Ebola
In response to the ongoing Ebola epidemic, MIT has reiterated the State Department and Center of Disease Control’s position which advises against travel to and from Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea.
LCA banned five years, brothers move out Sunday
The national organization of Lambda Chi Alpha announced Thursday that it had suspended the MIT chapter of LCA for at least five years. The MIT News Office said that the brothers of the fraternity would be required to move out by Sunday and that the building would close.
Sexual assault survey results released, Reif 'disturbed' at extent of the problem
MIT released the results today of the sexual assault survey sent to all undergraduate and graduate students in April. Seventeen percent of female undergraduate respondents said that they had experienced behavior defined as sexual assault while at MIT.
Reif ‘disturbed’ by results of MIT’s sexual assault survey
MIT released the results Monday of the sexual assault survey sent to all undergraduate and graduate students in April. Seventeen percent of female undergraduate respondents said that they had experienced behaviors defined as sexual assault at MIT, and President L. Rafael Reif said he is “disturbed by the extent and nature of the problem.”
East Campus website offers glimpse into residential life
Undergraduate students from the east side of campus have set up a website called “This is the East Side” that offers a glimpse into residential life at MIT. The project was prompted by a general “distrust that so many students have for the administration” and a community dinner with Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart PhD ’88 at East Campus, according to Jessica M. Parker ’15, the president of East Campus. Parker said that she and others involved in the project hope that it will narrow the “gap in perspective” between students and the administration.
A Tech profile of undocumented students at MIT last Friday used a misleading word to describe the implementation of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. The policy was ordered by the Obama administration, not “passed.”
49-person assembly limit lifted for Cambridge, Brookline fraternities
Newly increased temporary assembly limits for MIT fraternity houses in Cambridge and Brookline were announced in an email to the Interfraternity Council executive board last Thursday.
Ebola case raises problems for NYC
New York City’s first confirmed case of Ebola has raised complicated logistical issues of how to trace the possible contacts of an infected patient in a city of more than 8 million people with a sprawling mass transit system and a large population of workers who commute every day from surrounding suburbs and states.
Johnson Ice Rink is now open for the winter! The most recent skating schedule can always be found at Enjoy the first evening session of the season tonight from 7–11 p.m. Skate rentals are available during times the rink is open for $5 for MIT students and $7 for others. You must bring your own equipment to participate in recreational hockey.
Sarkis named dean of School of Architecture and Planning
Hashim Sarkis, practicing architect and current Aga Khan Professor of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism in Muslim Societies at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design (GSD), was named the tenth dean of MIT’s School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P). His appointment begins in January, formally succeeding Professor Adele Naude Santos.
Portions of SidPac to close for repairs
Sidney-Pacific, MIT’s largest singles graduate dormitory, will undergo renovations starting this coming summer to replace the main heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system. As a result, sections of the building will be temporarily closed for renewal, displacing 370 residents from their rooms to other ends of the dormitory, off-campus, or elsewhere in the graduate dormitory system.
Judi Segall starts as ombudsperson
On Sept. 2, Judi Segall was welcomed in as MIT’s newest ombudsperson. In her new role, she will serve as a confidential resource to the MIT community by helping visitors attempt to constructively and peacefully resolve conflicts.
White House nominates AeroAstro Professor for top NASA position
Dava Newman PhD ’92, Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Housemaster of Baker House, was recently nominated by President Obama to be NASA’s deputy administrator.
Close races mark freshman elections
The Undergraduate Association released the results of the 2018 Class Council elections in an email sent to all freshmen on Friday. The class elected Colin O. Webb ’18 as president and Daysi N. Gomez ’18 as vice president.