Where is the humor in hunger?
The 2018 Class Council should not have joked about food insecurity.
The Cambridge-MIT Exchange: an ungraceful end to an era
After hearing news of the program's end, a few alumni of the exchange are rallying to revive the program; however, their years of removal from the program and its flaws shield them from the ways in which the program is unfair and, at times, harmful to MIT students.
Too far to grieve
I had watched the scene unfold twice before. In the busy shuffle between classes and club meetings, the phone call comes. My friends learn that someone they loved has died, and by physical proximity, I am the first outsider to know.
Why I chose MIT
Two years ago, I faced one of the most difficult decisions of my life yet: where to go to college. Where would I spend my parents’ savings and the next four years of my life? Like many MIT students, I was picking between top institutions. Because I knew I wanted to study computer science, I had narrowed it down to my top three: MIT, Caltech, and the University of Texas at Austin (UT) for its Turing Scholars Program. It was difficult to discern the difference academically between the top three schools, so I chose with my heart.