Opinion Policy
The following information appears on page 4 of each issue of The Tech:
Editorials are the official opinion of The Tech. They are written by the editorial board, which consists of the Chairman, Editor in Chief, Managing Editor, Executive Editor, and Opinion Editor.
Dissents are the opinions of signed members of the editorial board choosing to publish their disagreement with the editorial.
Letters to the editor, columns, and editorial cartoons are written by individuals and represent the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of the newspaper. Electronic submissions are encouraged and should be sent to tt-opinions@mit.edu. Hard copy submissions should be addressed to The Tech, P.O. Box 391529, Cambridge, Mass. 02139-7029, or sent by interdepartmental mail to Room W20-483. All submissions are due by noon two days before the date of publication.
Letters, columns, and cartoons must bear the authors' signatures, addresses, and phone numbers. Unsigned letters will not be accepted. The Tech reserves the right to edit or condense letters; shorter letters will be given higher priority. Once submitted, all letters become property of The Tech, and will not be returned. Letters, columns, and cartoons may also be printed on The Tech's Web site and/or printed or published in any format or other medium now known or later that becomes known. The Tech makes no commitment to publish all the letters received.
Guest columns are opinion articles submitted by members of the MIT or local community and are tagged with "guest column." Columns with "staff columnist" below the byline are written by Tech staff.