
2022 security and fire safety report released

Reports of VAWA offenses decreased between 2019 and 2021

The MIT Police Department released its Annual Security and Fire Safety Report Oct. 1. The report includes information about crime prevention, fire safety, and security awareness; security policies; resources for victims of violent crimes; and statistics about fires and crimes in and around MIT’s campus. The 2022 report contains statistics from 2019–2021, reported to the MIT Police by other campus security authorities and local police agencies.

The total number of criminal offenses reported on campus, in non campus locations and in public decreased from 52 in 2019 to 18 in 2020 and increased to 29 in 2021. Contributing to these changes were a decrease in reports of burglary, from 23 in 2019 to 5 in 2020 and 3 in 2021; a decrease in reports of rape, from 13 in 2019 to 4 in 2021; and an increase in reports of fondling, from 5 in 2019 to 14 in 2021.

Reports of Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) offenses, including domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, decreased from 34 in 2019 to 10 in 2020 and 2021. Reports of domestic violence decreased from 17 in 2019 to 3 in 2021; there were no reports of dating violence in 2020 and 2021. The majority of VAWA offenses were reported to have occurred in residence halls.

From 2019 to 2021, there were three reports of arrests: all of them were drug abuse violations that took place in 2020. There were four disciplinary referrals for drug abuse violations in 2019, two in 2020, and none in 2021. Disciplinary referrals for liquor law violations were more frequent, at 57 in 2019 and 49 in 2021.

There was one report of a hate crime, which happened in 2020 and was related to race.

One fire was reported at MIT residences. It occurred in Ashdown House in 2020 due to “cardboard boxes left unattended on top of a stove.”

Crime reports can be made to the MIT Police at (617)-253-1212 or anonymously at (617)-258-8477.