A photo caption on page 11 of <i>The Tech</i>’s Aug. 29, 2007 issue inaccurately stated that MIT hackers removed the Fleming House Cannon from the California Institute of Technology in April 2006. It was actually removed in March.
Demeaning Human Suffering
In 2003, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals likened the slaughter of animals to the Holocaust. While this remark was particularly egregious, it was consistent with PETA’s longstanding insolence. Fifteen years earlier, the organization’s executive director stated, “Even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we’d be against it.”
Letters to the Editor
I was pleased to find that Tuesday’s editorial about Residence Based Advising separated the issues of RBA and Residence Exploration. For too long the student complaint was aimed at RBA itself, which is unfortunate — many students might opt for the RBA program if it was flexible and suited to their housing preference, which many freshmen rank higher than their advising preference. Though I never participated in RBA, I’ve heard overwhelmingly positive experiences, and look forward to the day that more students are willing and able to participate — once the snafu about REX is fixed.
Why We Can’t Tell You to J**n The Tech
Congratulations, freshmen, you’ve made it to the middle of Orientation. Dormitories are no longer scrambling to attract your attention, and fraternities can’t start spending their large budgets on steak and lobster dinners until Saturday. Now would be a great time to explore the various student groups that MIT has to offer.
RBA Limits Freshman Choice
Dormitories which offer Residence-Based Advising should give freshmen a chance to get out — or get in — during Orientation. The Housing Adjustment Lottery, which closes tonight, should not exclude McCormick Hall and Next House.
Welcome to MIT
Congratulations, your hard work and effort have been justifiably rewarded by your admission to the Institute. Understand that you are here for a reason — you fill a unique niche in the MIT community. Many of you have left lasting marks on your hometowns and high schools, and it is now time to start making a lasting impression on MIT.
The Dec. 5, 2006 police log reported erroneously the charges on which two MIT graduates had been arrested. Mateusz Malinowski G and Kabir Mukaddam ’05 were arrested on charges of disorderly conduct, not indecent exposure.
The June 15 transcript of President Susan Hockfield's Commencement speech misidentified one of the programs she listed. She said "UPOP" (Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program), not "UROP" (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program).
The June 8 letter to the editor, “Maintaining Curriculum Standards Depends on Admissions Criteria,” suggested that the reduction of the physics and calculus core requirement from two years to one year was a recent occurrence. In fact, the requirement was reduced in 1964, not “a short time ago.” <i>The Tech</i> previously published a correction in response to a similarly misleading statement in a May 11 letter (<i></i><i>correction.html</i>).
Letters to the Editor
I am writing today to clarify two points attributed to me in the article “RIAA Pre-Litigation Letters Sent to MIT” that was published in The Tech on May 8, 2007.
The May 15 review of Ben Fold's Boston Pops concert inaccurately attributes the song "Zak and Sara" to the band Ben Folds Five. The song actually appeared in Folds' first solo album <i>Rockin' the Suburbs</i>.
Letters to the Editor
The Walk for Hunger group from Baker House did a great job raising money for a very worthy organization and they should rightly be commended for their charity, but I think it's a shame that <i>The Tech</i> made no mention at all of the many other students and affiliates of MIT who took part in the event. The other students and groups may not have made as large or as organized of an impact as the Baker House team, but I feel that <i>The Tech</i> could have at least made some acknowledgement that many diverse members of the MIT community put forth an admirable effort to help the cause.
Using Terrorism to Justify Repression
The U.S. War on Terror has inspired far-reaching and unexpected consequences. Rebiya Kadeer will speak at MIT tonight on how the Uyghur Muslim minority in western China has endured one such consequence: the Chinese have adopted our rhetoric, equating Islam with violent separatism and global terrorism.
The Dance Troupe photos on page 9 of the May 11 issue should have been credited to <i>Tech</i> photographer Brian Hemond.
Do Good, Get Rich
A significant percentage of my graduating ChemE class is going into investment banking and consulting (myself included). I'm willing to bet the other science and engineering disciplines at MIT are witnessing similar trends. My hardcore engineering friends tease me for selling out, opting for the big bucks and cushy office instead of sticking to my technical roots. Personally, I have no problem making money, and I encourage you all to make buckets. After all, money talks. But let's be original about what we choose to say with it.
Letters to the Editor
It was unfortunate to read such a miscalculated review of “On Broadway” in the May 4 edition of <i>The Tech</i>. It is clear that Alice MacDonald ’08 must have departed the film early and did not realize that the voiceover narration and flashback were only within the first two minutes of the film. Moreover, she states the film looked crappy due to it being shot on digital — clearly mistaken, as it was shot on film. Lastly, Alice states that the writing was rigid. Fair enough. But I find Dave McLaughlin’s writing to come from a place of honesty which isn’t seen in these wannabe hipster films that are so often hyped or seen at festivals. Stories are what seem to be missing, not some clown in hipster clothes and haircuts speaking nonsense. Go rent a John Cassavetes film!
The May 1 article "Baseball Places 2nd After Two Wins Yield Berth in Title Game" stated that the baseball team made it to the title game of their conference tournament, when in fact they were eliminated in the semifinal round. That same article was written by James Kramer and Travis Johnson, though credit was mistakenly given to Mindy Brauer and Travis Johnson.
Letters to the Editor
In his recent article, Shankar Mukherji argued that the United States should shut down the prison at Guantanamo Bay. I don't believe that will solve anything, because the fundamental problem with what's going on down there is not the base itself. International and U.S. laws are obsolete, having been written in a different era for a different kind of war, and only revising the law to deal with the realities of modern conflict can fix the situation.
An article on April 27 incorrrectly cited the annual cost of each telephone at MIT as $200. Phones at MIT range from from $240 per year to $438 per year, and most office phones are digital phones that cost $390 per year. These fees will go away as part of the restructuring in July 2007, when they will be replaced with a fixed per-employee charge.
Jones’ Resignation Right For MIT
MIT made the right decision in asking Marilee Jones to resign. If our hiring process is not reliable, how can we defend our integrity in other areas, like research? Jones’ continued presence at MIT would set a dangerous precedent. What if we learned that one of our top professors falsified research data early in his career to get a job? All of MIT should be held to the same standard for honesty in order to maintain credibility.