Etiquette, Flirting, and Clothes Take The Spotlight at IAP Charm School
Is it possible to earn a degree from MIT in a single afternoon? On Friday, close to 100 students, faculty, and alumni did just that during the 16th annual Charm School, held at the Stratton Student Center. And unlike MIT’s School of Engineering, Charm School boasted an admissions acceptance rate of 100 percent.
In the Closing of Brandeis Museum, Trustees Deliver a Statement of Its Priorities
Few things are more poignant than a gem of a museum whose days may be numbered. So it was at the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University on a visit Friday, days after the university’s trustees voted unanimously to trash the institution by closing it and auctioning off the 6,000 works in its collection. The action came without consulting either the museum’s own board of governors or its director, Michael Rush.
24 Broad Institute DNA Scientists Were Laid Off on Tuesday
Twenty-four MIT employees were fired yesterday morning from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Their jobs have been made redundant by new technology, the institute said in a press release.
Four Thousand Flock to MIT to Seek Jobs Overseas
The 13th European Career Fair was held at MIT this past Saturday, attracting candidates and employers from all over the world amidst a bleak economy. Over 4,000 candidates from more than 16 countries seeking internships and jobs sent their resumes in and attended the fair this year.
Anonymous Benefactor’s Money Will Keep Empty W1 Looking Good
Partial renovations to the W1 residence hall, the former Ashdown, will begin this spring after all, thanks to a gift from an anonymous donor. Work will be limited to the exterior of the building, and will not impact the Institute’s plan to delay the opening of W1 until after 2010. The size of the gift was not disclosed.
MIT Dining Committee Releases Documents
Will next year’s incoming freshmen pay a mandatory fee for food? The “Blue Ribbon Committee” of students and administrators charged with determining the future of MIT dining has reported no new progress toward articulating a food policy since early December, when <i>The Tech</i> reported that a mandatory fee was among the committee’s proposals.
News Briefs
If you left your bicycle chained to the “NO BICYCLE PARKING” signs outside the Student Center on Tuesday morning, and you can’t find it, your bike might now be in NW62.
Architectural Terminology
<i>cupola</i> — a rounded vault resting on a usually circular base and forming a roof or a ceiling.
Apollo 17 Moon Rock Reveals Magnetic Beginnings
The lasting impression left by the Apollo missions is of a moon that is gray, dusty, desolate and dead. But instruments left behind by Apollo astronauts recorded moonquakes and wobbles in its rotation that gave hints of a still molten core.
‘Beginner’s Luck’ Wins 63-Hour Mystery Hunt
The 2009 Mystery Hunt concluded, after 63 hours, when the team Beginner’s Luck uncovered the coin, the traditional goal of the hunt, in the Building 13 basement on Monday at 3:03 a.m.
Big, Hopeful Crowds Gather to Watch Obama’s Inauguration
As President Barack Obama took the oath of office at yesterday’s inauguration, hundreds of members of the MIT community looked on from lecture halls and communal spaces. Students expressed a cautious optimism for the future.
News Briefs
Starting January 24th, the MIT Parking and Transportation Office will operate a shuttle to and from Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods Market. The shuttle will run every Saturday from 11 a.m. until 2:47 p.m., leaving campus every 30 minutes and making its last pickup on campus at 1:47 p.m. A current schedule can be found online at <i></i>.
Students’ Subway Security Talk Canceled by Court Order
Three MIT students will not be presenting their security research at the annual DEF CON hacker convention this weekend because of a temporary restraining order filed by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority on Friday afternoon. The students — legally represented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit advocacy group — are appealing the order.
Public Documents Seem to Show Free T Fare
Documents made public by an MBTA lawsuit against MIT undergraduates show how anyone can get free T fare by copying an existing CharlieTicket or by making their own.
Recycling Tips
At Tuesday’s meeting, representatives from the Casella Waste Company gave tips to improve recycling efficiency:
Chomsky Condemns U.S. and Israel For Civilian Deaths in Gaza Strip
At a talk last night about the current situation in Gaza, Professor of Linguistics Noam A. Chomsky came down hard on Israel for its frequent violence against Palestinian civilians and chastised the United States for enabling the Jewish state to carry out these actions with impunity. He also used the opportunity to touch upon broader issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The talk, which took place at Sloan’s Wong Auditorium, was part of the Center of International Studies’ Starr Forum lecture series
An Interactive Lecture for Modern Times: TEAL Uses Tech. to Improve Education
For as long as anyone can remember, introductory physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was taught in a vast, windowless amphitheater known by its number, 26-100.
Vote to Reform GIRs Delayed by Two New Amendments in Dec.
The proposed changes to the General Institute Requirements, which would give students more latitude in the science classes they are required to take and do away with HASS-Ds, failed to reach a vote at the faculty meeting on December 17th. Two amendments were called to the floor, delaying the actual vote until the next faculty meeting scheduled for February.