Construction to revamp Metropolitan Warehouse commences
The building will feature new floor platforms to provide high-bay program space and allow natural light to penetrate core building areas.
Commencement weekend features OneMIT ceremony for Class of 2022 and in-person celebration for Classes of 2020 and 2021
“When we look at the COVID-19 response, we see we had good science, but not so good politics and public policy,” Okonjo-Iweala said.
MIT to restrict PCR testing to community members experiencing COVID symptoms, effective July 1
Beginning June 17, MIT will no longer offer observed PCR testing at the MIT Medical Trailer.
Summer registration, fall pre-reg, Juneteenth
The deadline to initiate fall pre-registration and to select fall CI-H/HW subjects for continuing students is June 16.
Summer storms thunder through
As Florida recovers from Tropical Storm Alex, Boston is bracing for some heavy rain to wrap up the week.
Expanding our horizons through nuclear energy and space exploration
Whether you’re religious or atheist, looking at the sun, moon, stars, and beyond gives you a sense of power and intimacy with nature itself.
Abundant resources exist but are underutilized
Sometimes we forget that we have the privilege of attending one of the best universities in the world.