Oprah’s Educational Adventure
“Promote gender equality and empower women” reads the third Millennium Development Goal, put forth by the United Nations Development Programme, to be achieved by 2015. This is an ambitious plan: more than 115 million children worldwide do not attend primary school, of which the majority are girls. Only 43 percent of all girls are enrolled in secondary school and attend classes regularly.
CME: An Educational Adventure
Humans are generally stay-at-homes who enjoy their zone of comfort. Yet, what is the reason to stay physically close to this support system in a world where the West Coast is just as long of a trip from MIT as a flight over the Atlantic? Where my mother’s credit card works just as well abroad as it does in Boston … ? I was one of 25 MIT students who escaped the sphere of MIT’s influence and homely support over the last year on a venture to the University of Cambridge, UK, as part of MIT’s CME program.
No. 6 Leaves the IFC
This year’s eventful rush came to a surprising conclusion with the decision of the No. 6 Club, MIT’s fourth oldest fraternity to disaffiliate with the Interfraternity council (IFC) and become an Independent Living Group (ILG).