
EdX to offer proctored exams worldwide

EdX to offer proctored exams worldwide

Yesterday, edX announced a partnership with Pearson VUE that would allow students the option of taking a proctored final exam for their online class. Under the agreement, those enrolled in an edX course will have the option of taking the course final exam at one of over 450 Pearson VUE test centers in more than 110 countries, for a nominal fee. The proctored test will be the same rigorous test that those who take it fully online experience.

“Our online learners who want the flexibility to provide potential employers with an independently validated certificate may now choose to take the course exam at a proctored test site” said Anant Agarwal, president of edX, in a press release.

Pearson VUE provides academic, government, and professional testing programs around the world, and also provides proctored tests for online education provider Udacity.

—Stan Gill

1 Comment
Anonymous over 12 years ago

I'm always nervous when someone mentions an unspecified nominal fee.

Tell me what the fee is, and I'll decide how nominal it is.