
UA president resigns, Wynter takes office

UA President Allan E. Miramonti ’13 announced his resignation in a campuswide email yesterday evening, citing his need to “refocus” on academics and well-being. Miramonti’s vice president, TyShaun Wynter ’13, assumed the presidency immediately.

Miramonti, who was the first non-senior UA president since at least 1994, took office at the end of the spring semester and oversaw a substantial UA restructuring effort last term. The UA Senate was dissolved in December, and a UA Council comprised of dormitory and FSILG representatives will take its place this coming term.

“This past semester has seen the creation of a new UA, the beginnings of new trust between students and administrators, and countless small projects around campus,” wrote Miramonti. “While I have enjoyed the job, it is necessary for me to refocus on my studies and well-being.”

Wynter says that Miramonti informed him of the decision about a week ago — when Wynter returned to campus — and the two have worked since then to prepare for the transition. “We spent between then and now making sure I was ready … making sure there wouldn’t be a breakdown in leadership.”

“I feel quite confident going into the semester,” Wynter added.

Wynter assumes the presidency amidst the UA’s transition to a new government. “This presents a unique opportunity,” he said. “With a new group of people, it’s a good thing there’s a new person to lead them.”

Wynter said that it was unfortunate Miramonti was stepping down, but that it should not necessarily be seen as a “bad thing.”

Succession of vice presidents

Wynter is himself an appointee of Miramonti’s. He took the vice president’s office after the vice president-elect, Alec C. Lai ’13, resigned in April 2011.

The UA will not have a vice president until one is selected by Wynter. Under the UA’s new constitution, a vice presidential appointment must be approved by 13 of the 21-member Council. Wynter would not name specific people, but said he had a few picks in mind. Since Wynter never ran for election, the UA’s top two spots will be occupied by unelected officials this term.

The new UA council will meet at the earliest next week, according to Wynter. He said it was “likely” that dormitories would select their presidents to represent them on the Council.

It remains unclear how Panhel and the IFC will choose their three and four representatives, respectively. Earlier restructuring plans called for IFC and Panhel presidents to serve on the Council, though the UA now gives them wider latitute to select representatives.

The new president’s first goal is to ensure restructuring “goes smoothly,” but added that other issues, like dormitory security and orientation changes, would also define his presidency.

Miramonti’s is the latest in a string of resignations that the UA has seen this year. Several newly-elected senators resigned in the fall, right on the heels of the high-profile resignation by Lai in April. UA member retention has been cited as an issue the restructuring efforts will fix, according to a succession of UA committees that tackled restructuring.

Anonymous about 13 years ago

I guess this makes Mr. Wynter the Gerald Ford of MIT.

It seems odd that the fact that Mr. Wynter was not elected to the Vice-Presidency was not mentioned in the article to draw attention to the fact that the UA will, after Mr. Wynter nominates a Vice-Presidential successor that is presumably confirmed, be led by a non-elected President and Vice-President (it was mentioned in the final paragraph that the previous Vice-President-elect, Mr. Lai, resigned, which perhaps alludes to the fact that Mr. Wynter was appointed) -- while the fact that Mr. Miramonti was the first non-senior to be elected President since at least 1994 was mentioned early in the article. (One would think the former point is more interesting than the latter, unless, perhaps, there have been other instances of an appointed Vice-President succeeding to the Presidency since 1994.)

Ethan A. Solomon about 13 years ago

Thank you for your comment. The article has been updated to reflect this point.