Harvard professor Steven Pinker gives a lecture entitled “The Evolution Psychology of Religion: Do We Have a ‘God Gene’ or a ‘God Module?’” to a packed auditorium. The talk, which was held in 32-123 on Thursday evening, was the first of a six-lecture series sponsored by the Secular Society and The Baker Foundation. Pinker discussed whether the propensity to believe in religion is an adaptation, a product of Darwinian natural selection, or a by-product of adaptations.
Harvard professor Steven Pinker gives a lecture entitled “The Evolution Psychology of Religion: Do We Have a ‘God Gene’ or a ‘God Module?’” to a packed auditorium. The talk, which was held in 32-123 on Thursday evening, was the first of a six-lecture series sponsored by the Secular Society and The Baker Foundation. Pinker discussed whether the propensity to believe in religion is an adaptation, a product of Darwinian natural selection, or a by-product of adaptations.
Elijah Mena—The Tech