LaVerde’s Price Index (LPI) is The Tech’s way of measuring the price changes at LaVerde’s. We add together the prices of 23 specific, diverse products that we feel are typical purchases for members of the MIT community, and we plot how that total price changes monthly. Each month, we will also compare the LPI to the Northeast region Consumer Price Index (CPI) as a measure of fairness.
The CPI has been scaled so that the starting point in July is the same as the cumulative price of the 23 select items from LaVerde’s. The CPI for October has not been released yet.
compiled by Sam Trabucco
LaVerde’s Price Index (LPI) is The Tech’s way of measuring the price changes at LaVerde’s. We add together the prices of 23 specific, diverse products that we feel are typical purchases for members of the MIT community, and we plot how that total price changes monthly. Each month, we will also compare the LPI to the Northeast region Consumer Price Index (CPI) as a measure of fairness.
The CPI has been scaled so that the starting point in July is the same as the cumulative price of the 23 select items from LaVerde’s. The CPI for October has not been released yet.
compiled by Sam Trabucco