President Susan J. Hockfield holds an Apple iPad, used for its touch interface to sign a renewal of MIT’s charter, flanked (from left) by Chairman of the MIT Corporation John S. Reed ’61 and former Presidents Paul E. Gray ’54 and Charles M. Vest at the MIT Next Century Convocation this past Sunday at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. See page 9 for more photos of the convocation.
President Susan J. Hockfield holds an Apple iPad, used for its touch interface to sign a renewal of MIT’s charter, flanked (from left) by Chairman of the MIT Corporation John S. Reed ’61 and former Presidents Paul E. Gray ’54 and Charles M. Vest at the MIT Next Century Convocation this past Sunday at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. See page 9 for more photos of the convocation.
Manohar Srikanth—The Tech