C-Crete, winners of the 100K MIT Entrepreneurship Competition, receives a check to help start their business in making nano-engineered concrete. The 100K competition accepts entries in five different “tracks”: energy, development, life sciences, mobile, products and services and web/IT. The winners were announced in Kresge on May 12. C-Crete defeated five other finalist teams and claims that their product will severely reduce carbon dioxide emissions, saving billions of dollars on sequestering carbon while providing a stronger alternative to current forms of concrete.
C-Crete, winners of the 100K MIT Entrepreneurship Competition, receives a check to help start their business in making nano-engineered concrete. The 100K competition accepts entries in five different “tracks”: energy, development, life sciences, mobile, products and services and web/IT. The winners were announced in Kresge on May 12. C-Crete defeated five other finalist teams and claims that their product will severely reduce carbon dioxide emissions, saving billions of dollars on sequestering carbon while providing a stronger alternative to current forms of concrete.
Sean Tang—The Tech